Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
foghar -air, sm Harvest. 2 Autumn. 3(DC) Crop. Foghar an eòrna, the barley harvest; foghar a'...an còrr |
foghar ‡‡ -air, sm Sound, noise. 2* Note. 3 Vowel. 4* Blow that causes a noise. 5 Favo...an còrr |
foghar -air, -an, sm see foghair. 2** Favour. 3** Froth. |
geal gile, a. White. 2* Fond of. 3 Clear, bright, radiant, glistening. 4†† Pure. Chan eil e geal d...an còrr |
càthmhor -oire, a Chaffy, husky. 'S e am foghar gaothmhor a nì an coirce càthmhor, it is the windy ...an còrr |
faghar †† -air, sm see foghar. |
fogharadh -aidh, sm Often used for foghar, but foghar is harvest time and fogharadh is the pr...an còrr |
foghmhar -air, sm S. Argyll & Arran (as in Ireland) for foghar. [ogh is sounded with ao ...an còrr |
fo-mhar seo foghar. |
ial -a, sf Moment, time, season. 2(MS) Intermission. 3 Gleam of sunshine. 4** Light 5** Age, gene...an còrr |