Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
for /fɔr/ fir. neo-ath.
1 attention, heed 2 interest |
fo /fɔ ~ fɔ.əm fɔ.əd fɔjə fɔihbə fɔ.ɪNʲ fɔ.ɪv fɔhbə/  roi. (fon; fodham, fodhad, fodha, foidhpe, fodhainn, fodhaibh, fodhpa)
1 under, underneath 2 below, beneath |
for- /fɔr(ə)/ ro-leas. neo-ath.
1 super-, over-, hyper-, epi- 2 beyond, outer |
cha robh for agam ort I did not notice you (there) |
cha robh for agam air! I had no idea! |
an urra ri Màiri 1 up to Màiri 2 dependent upon Màiri 3 entrusted to Màiri, in Màiri's charge, Màiri's responsibility |
maide-sgiùrsaidh fir. iol. -ean-sgiùrsaidh
stick for beating fish into nets or traps |
leac-arain boir. gin. lic-arain, iol. -an-arain
flat surface for baking bread by an open fire (historically a flat stone, latterly a metal spatula) |
treasadach /tresədəx/ fir. gin. -aich
ground that has been cultivated for three years running (and now allowed to lie fallow) |
rìbhinn-chrò boir. gin. -e-crò, iol. -ean-crò
sheep that has not lambed for 4 seasons |
bha iad buidheach jalfrezi they were grateful for a jalfrezi |
guma h-éiseil dhut I hope things go badly for you! |
càrn-chlach fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cùirn-chlach
sled(ge) for moving rocks |
cha dug iad for they paid no attention/heed |
cuir crann gu sannt adjust a plough for a wider furrow! |
dùileachadh /duːləxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh
1 (act of) anticipating, expecting 2 anticipation, expectation 3 (act of) looking for |
deoch air a' phathadh nach dàinig! a drink for future thirst! (fig.) |
oir /ɔrʲ/  nsg.
because, for (followed by independent verb form) |
cùis-dhìtidh boir. gin. -e-dìtidh, iol. -ean-dìtidh
cladach-feamad fir. gin. -aich-fheamad, iol. -aichean-feamad
shore suitable for harvesting seaweed |
thug e callan air he was at it for a while |
rogh /Roɣ/ gn. ag. -adh
choose, opt for, pick out, select! |
adhbhar-gàire fir. gin. -air-ghàire, iol. -an-gàire
1 laughing stock, butt, object of ridicule 2 cause for laughing, reason to laugh |
pit air iteig! hell's teeth/bells, for fuck sake! (fig.) |
croman /kroman/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ain
1 hip-bone 2 humpbacked man, man with a hump 3 croman (tool for lifting potatoes, breaking up ground, digging for lugworms etc) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
for † sm Discourse. 2 Protection. 3 Enlightening, illumination. 4(DMC) Intention, idea, th...an còrr |
for- ‡ prefix Super-. |
làmh làimh (gen. làimheach in Skye), pl. -an, sf Hand. 2 Arm. 3 Handle of a t...an còrr |
b' ** (for a bu) Who was, who were, which was, which were. |
aitidh -e, a Moist, damp, wet. 2 Badenoch for aiteamh. Tha d' aodach aitidh, your clothes ...an còrr |
leth sm ind Half. 2 Side, share, interest, charge. 4 One of a pair. Leth mar leth, share and sh...an còrr |
réir (a-réir & do réir) phrase. According to, as, like as. Nam bithinn 'nad réir, if I were...an còrr |
leabhar -air, -bhraichean, sm [f. in Badenoch] Book, volume. Leabhar Eòin (given by Mac...an còrr |
ainleag -eig, (for fainleag) Swallow (hirundo rustica), see gòbhlan-gaoithe. |
mu choinneamh prep. phrase. Opposite, over, against. Bha doras mu choinneamh a h-uile latha anns a' bhliadh...an còrr |
glòir-mhiann -a, sm Ambition, desire for glory. 2 Pride. |
acair acrach, acraichean, sf Anchor. 2(AC) Stone originally one used as an anchor. 3 Acre of land. ...an còrr |
misneachd sf prov. for misneach. |
meas sm ind Respect, regard, esteem. 2 Reputation, fame. 3 Opinion, judgment, valuing, estimate, a...an còrr |
'm? cont. for am? interr. conj. 'M faigh thu sin? will you get that? |
margadh -aidh, -ean, sm & f Market, fair. 2 Buying or selling, sale. An d'fhuair thu margadh dha?...an còrr |
barrachd sf Superiority, pre-eminence. 2 Advantage, mastery. 3 Overplus. B' iongantach do ghràdh dhomh...an còrr |
machair sm -charach & -chrach, pl machraichean, sf Extensive low-lying fertile plai...an còrr |
beathachadh -aidh, sm Living, benefice, maintenance, livelihood. 2 Food, nourishment, sustenance. Airson ...an còrr |
gille-pìobair ** sm Piper's attendant, who carried the pipes when not being played upon. He formed one of a...an còrr |
oir conj. For, because that. Oir chuimhnich iad, for they remembered; oir is...an còrr |
meal pr pt a' mealtainn & a' mealadh, va Possess. 2 Enjoy. 3** Suffer, brook. Gum meal ...an còrr |
maise sf ind Beauty, comeliness, gracefulness, elegance, bloom. 2 Ornament, decoration. Chuireadh t...an còrr |
gual -ail, sm Coal. 2 Coal-fire. 3(AC) Grief, consuming by grief as by fire. Deagh theine guail, ...an còrr |
adhbhar -air, -airean, sm Cause, reason. 2 Subject, matter. Adhbhar bròin, a cause of grief; c...an còrr |