Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
aig /ɛgʲ ~ agəm agəd ɛgʲə ɛçgʲə agɪNʲ agɪv axgə/  roi. (aig an; agam, agad, aige, aice, againn, agaibh, aca)
gag gàg! /gag gaːg/ fuaim.
cluck! (sound of a chicken/hen; onomat.) |
gàth /gaː/ boir. neo-ath.
1 torrent, flood 2 heavy rain 3 sound of running/dripping water |
gath /gah/  fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 dart 2 beam, ray (of light) 3 sting (of an insect), prick 4 barb 5 knot (in wood) 6 shooting pain 7 sprout |
ga-rìribh /gaˈrʲiːrʲɪv/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 in earnest, seriously 2 indeed, truly, verily |
ga-rìreadh /gaˈrʲiːrʲəɣ/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 in earnest, seriously 2 indeed, truly, verily |
(ge) brith /ge brʲiç/ co-ghn.
1 whatever 2 irrespective of |
tha an t-acras 'gam tholladh /haN taxgrəs gəm hɔLəɣ/ I'm starving |
tha crodh 'ga chothachadh fhéin the cattle is grazing |
tha i 'ga dhraibheadh le raspars she's driving it to show off |
dh'iarr am muir a bhith 'ga thadhal don't waste what you have, we must put to use what we have been given (fig.) |
tha iad 'ga tutanachadh airson a dhol ann they are trying to push her into going |
ga bu bhrith càit an robh thu wherever you were |
tha mi 'ga bhuctadh! dibs, I'm bagsying it! |
tha Calum 'ga bheannachadh leis an t-sagart /ha kaLəm ga vjaNəxəɣ leʃ əN tagəRʃd/ Calum has been blessed by the priest |
tha seo 'ga ruigheachd this is stretching her (fig.) |
cha mhór nach eil e 'ga thachais fhéin le fhiaclan he is as dumb as an ox/post, a few sandwiches short of a picnic (fig.) |
tha am bàta 'ga smonaigeadh fhéin the boat is raising (plumes of) spray |
tha e 'ga lòchradh le deoch he is legless (drunk) |
tha e 'ga claparan sa ghualann he is patting her on the back |
bha iad 'ga shìor-luadh 1 they were forever talking about it 2 they were constantly rubbing it in |
gath-muighe fir. gin. -a-mhuighe, iol. -an-muighe
tha e 'ga dhalladh ás a déidh he's mad keen on her, he's smitten by her (fig.) |
an ann lomnochd a tha thu 'ga gabhail? you take it without anything? (i.e. tea without any biscuits or scones) |
a dh'ionnsaigh /ə jũːNsɪ/ roi. gin. ('gam/'gad/'ga ionnsaigh, 'ga h-ionnsaigh, 'gar/'gur n-ionnsaigh, 'gan ionnsaigh)
towards (requires the genitive case) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ga ** conj. see ged. |
ga † adv see c' a. |
ga sm see gath. |
gualadh -aidh, sm Act of blackening with coal. 2 State of burning into coals. 3 Torturing, tor...an còrr |