Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
gach /gax/ rio. neo-ath.
gach uile /gax ulə/ co-ghn.
25% far gach prìs  25% off every price |
(feadh) gach ré evermore |
air gach làimh  1 on every side 2 on every occasion |
gach rud a b' fheàrr na chéile the most esteemed/valuable things |
bhris mi gach cuilean 'nam bhodhaig I broke every small/short bone in my body |
a smùdan fhéin a ceann gach fòid we all have our own faults, nobody's perfect (fig.) |
gach rud everything |
bidh mìr a' ghille èasgaidh air gach mias you can't keep a good (wo)man down (fig.) |
tha a smùidean fhéin an ceann gach fòid we all have our own faults, nobody's perfect (fig.) |
guma slàn dhut anns gach àite dhan déid thu! fare thee well, wherever you may go! |
is fhasa a' chiad togradh a cheusadh na gach aon a leanas a shàsachadh it's easier to nip something in the bud that to let it become a habit first (fig.) |
gach dath sa bhogha-fhrois every colour of the rainbow |
tuitidh gach neach le a chèard everyone will find their niche (fig.) |
bean ri gach rud a tha an àrainn an t-seòmair touch every item (with)in the room! |
's e crìoch gach comann dealachadh all good things must come to an end (relating to a social event or institution) |
gach corra uair a thìde every few hours |
gach corra latha every few days |
is tapaidh gach cù air a shitig fhéin every dog is a lion at home, every dog is brave in his own yard (fig.) |
sop ás gach seid 1 potpourri, hotchpotch, miscellany (fig.) 2 Pick 'n Mix |
air gach gnoban everywhere, all over the place (fig.) |
gach fear gu chàil, mar a bha am fear a bha a' pògadh tòn na muice each to their own, said the old lady as she kissed the cow (fig.) |
gach mac is nighean màthar absolutely everyone, down to the last person |
sop ás gach seid 's gun sop idir a' dol gu fodar if you don't stick with anything, you will succeed at nothing (fig.) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
gach pron. indef Each,every, all. Gach coille, gach doire 's gach eas, every wood, every grove ...an còrr |
a rel pron, gen & dat Who, which, whom, that, what. Gach gaisgeach a b' aosta...an còrr |
àbhachdach –aiche, a Humorous, merry, joyful, joyous, jolly. 2** Corpulent. 3** Inclined to gibe, ...an còrr |
àird -e, -ean, sf Quarter of the heavens, “airt,” or point of the compass, cardinal point. 2 Heave...an còrr |
airgead -id, sm Silver. 2 Money. 3 Riches, money in general of whatever kind. 'S e gaol an airgid fre...an còrr |
àitich pr pt ag àiteachadh, va & n Inhabit, dwell, settle. 2 Cultivate, till, improve. 3*...an còrr |
alltan -ain, -an, (dim of allt) sm Little brook, streamlet. Drochaid air gach alltan, a br...an còrr |
anns prep In, in the. Anns gach beul, in every mouth. [Used before the article an, a...an còrr |
maoidh pr pt a' maoidheamh & a' maoidheadh, va & n. Grudge, give unwillingly. 2 Repro...an còrr |
maothan -ain, -an, sm Twig. 2 Tendril. 3 Bud. 4 Osier, see fìneamhainn. 6 The chest or breast. 6 Anyt...an còrr |
aon aoin, a One. 2 Alone. 3 Same. 4 Only. 5 Ace. [Aspirates noun following except one beginning w...an còrr |
meall pr pt a' mealladh, vn Deceive, beguile, defraud, cheat. 2 Entice. 3 Disappoint. Mur am...an còrr |
mionad -aid, sm Degree of minuteness or fineness. Is mionad a' chlach gach buille, the stone beco...an còrr |
motha comp of mór. Larger, largest. 2 Greater, greatest. Is esan as motha, he is the greatest; ...an còrr |
'na cont. for an a. Fanaibh gach duine 'na àite fhéin, every man abide in his own place...an còrr |
ball buill, sm Member, limb. 2 Member of a society. 3 Male instrument of generation, {penis}. 4 An...an còrr |
neach sm ind Person, any person, one, someone. 2** Apparition. Neach sam bith, neach air bith, a...an còrr |
bàs -àis, sm Death. 2** Destruction. Is e rìgh nan uamhas am bàs, death is the king of ...an còrr |
riochd -a, -an, sm Likeness, form, appearance. 2 State, condition. 3 Stead, place. 4 Ghost, spirit. ...an còrr |
bàth va Drown, immerse. 2 Quench, slake. 3 Extinguish, smother. 4** rarely faint. 5‡...an còrr |
beum gen beuma [& béime] pl -an, -annan, sm Stroke, blow. 2 Wound. 3 Gash, cut. ...an còrr |
bior -a, -an, sm Thorn. 2 Prickle. 3 Small or sharp pointed stick. 4 Any sharp-pointed thing. 5 Sp...an còrr |
boinne -achan, [& boinnean — DU] sf Drop of any liquid. 2†† Current. Gach bo...an còrr |
bonn -uinn, pl. -uinn & bonnan, sm Heel. 2 Sole. 3 Foundation, found of house. 4 Pedest...an còrr |
braon -aoin, sm Drop. 2 Drizzle. 3 Rain. 4 Shower. 5 Dew. Gach braon d' a fhuil, every drop of h...an còrr |