Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
gairm /gɤrʲɤm/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 (act of) calling, crying 2 call, cry 3 (act of) announcing, declaring 4 (act of) convening 5 call of the cockerel |
gairm /gɤrʲɤm/ gn. ag. gairm
1 call, cry! 2 declare, announce! 3 crow! 4 convene! |
gairm-choilich (gairm a' choilich) boir. gin. -e-coilich, iol. -ean-coilich
cock-crow, crow of the cockerel |
mìn-innse nan uirsgeul gu meadhan-oidhche agus garbh-innse nan uirsgeul gu gairm-coilich the full stories till midnight and the rough outlines till morning (story-telling convention of the taigh-céilidh) |
gairm-choileach boir. gin. -e-choileach, iol. -ean-choileach
gairm-chatha boir. gin. -e-catha, iol. -ean-catha
neach-gairm fir. iol. luchd-gairm
gairm beul-bochd plead poverty! |
gairm a bheatha his life's calling |
gairm beannaichte canonisation |
gairm fa chomhair d' inntinn conjure up in your mind! |
gairm stailc call a strike! |
ri gairm-aighir cheering |
gairm-chogaidh boir. gin. -e-cogaidh, iol. -ean-cogaidh
gairm cairtean call cards! (in Bingo) |
gairm cogadh an aghaidh nam Frangach declare war against the French! |
cairt-ghairm boir. gin. -e-gairm, iol. -ean-gairm
gairm gun quorum declare inquorate! |
gairm an rola roll call |
gairm far na pàirce order off the pitch! (in sports) |
gairm cuideachadh summon support! |
gairm staid éiginneach declare a state of emergency! |
gàirn /gaːRNʲ/ fir. iol. -ean
gairm gu gnìomh call to action |
gairm fosadh declare a truce! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
gairm pr pt a' gairm, va Call. 2 Invite. 3 Crow as a cock. 4* Proclaim banns in a church. 5*...an còrr |
gairm -e, pl. -ean & -annan, sf Call, calling. 2 Act of calling. 3 Title, name. 4 Procla...an còrr |
doimhne sf ind Depth, profundity. 2 with the article, The deep, the sea. Doimhne a' gairm air ...an còrr |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
callait † see gairm. |
gairmeadh -eidh, sm & pr pt, prov. for gairm. |
gairm-fhitheach (AF) sm Crow. |
gairm-ghille ‡‡ sm Crier. |
gartha † see gàir and gairm. |
an-gairm † sf Appellation. |