Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ge /ge/ nsg.
ge be /ge bɛ/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
ge-tà /gəˈtaː/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
1 even so, notwithstanding 2 though, however |
ge be dé! whatever! |
ge air bith dé /gar bi dʲeː/ co-ghn.
ge be as luaithe làmh 's leis an gobhar 's am fiadh first come first served (fig.) |
ge be air bith co-ghn.
ge bith dé… whatever… |
ge b' oil le cnàimh ruadh na h-amhaich agad like it or lump it, whether you like it or not (fig.) |
ge be nach smachdaich làmh ris a' ghlùin, cha smachdaich làmh ris an uilinn you can't teach an old dog new tricks, a tree must be bent while it's young, betwixt 3 and 13 bend the twig while it's green (fig.) |
ge bith có whoever |
ge b' oil leat e in spite/regardless of you |
ge be nach miontraig, cha bhuannaich nothing ventured, nothing gained |
ge bith co-ghn.
1 whatever 2 irrespective of |
ge math an cù cam, cha fhreasgair e thall 's a-bhos I can't be everywhere at once (fig.) |
ge b' àit wherever |
ge be a ghléidheas an long 's a làmhan, gheibh e athais uair-eigin better a good escape than a bad stay, he that fights and runs away lives to fight another day (fig.) |
ge air bith /gar bi/ co-ghn.
1 whatever 2 irrespective of |
ge-tà fhéin however |
ge be nach gabh comhairle, gabhaidh e cam-lorg those who don't heed good advice are bound to doom (fig.) |
(ge) brith /ge brʲiç/ co-ghn.
1 whatever 2 irrespective of |
ge 's bith co-ghn.
ge milis a' mhil có dh'imlicheadh bho bhàrr dris i? it will never pay you to lick honey off thorns (fig.) |
ge mór àrdan an easaich, cha déid e seach an luaithre pride goes before a fall (fig.) |
's beag nach eil cuimhne agad ge-tà you don't seem to remember though |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ge conj. see ged. Ge is always used before an adjective or personal pronoun, as, ge mór i...an còrr |
ge (ge b' e) pron. indef Whoever, whatever. Ge as air bith, (ce or cia as air bith) wh...an còrr |
gé see có. |
buain gen buana, dat. buain, sf Reaping, cutting down, as of corn, mowing, harvest. 2...an còrr |
clòimh gen -e [& clòmhach,] dat. clòimhidh, sf Wool. 2 Down of feathers. 3 Plumage...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
dearmad -aid, -an, sm Omission, negligence, neglect, forgetfulness. 2 Inattention, slight. 3(MS) Vaca...an còrr |
dris -e, -ean, sf Common bramble, briar, blackberry or thorn (rubus fructicosus). [The badg...an còrr |
faigh irreg. v Get, obtain, acquire. 2 Find. 3** Reach. Active Voice: IND p...an còrr |
géill pr pt a' géilleachdainn, a' géilleadh, & a' géilltinn, vn Yield, submit, cede. 2 S...an còrr |
geir -e, sf Tallow, grease. 2 Suet. Geir chartach, cart grease. Is coma leam comann ...an còrr |
leam prep pron With me. 2 By me. 3 In my favour, on my side. 4 In my opinion or estimation. 5 Alon...an còrr |
oil sf ind Vexation, grief, pain. 2 Offence, annoyance, regret. 3 Spite. Ge b' oil leis, (leatha,...an còrr |
cneadhalach -aich, sm One who is wounded. 2 Sufferer. Ge b' e an coireach, is mise cneadhalach, whoeve...an còrr |
crobh -a, sm Hand. 2** Claw, paw. 3** Hoof. Ge b' e air bith tha thu ag itheadh no ag òl, is léir a...an còrr |
cuthag-chluaise sf Tell-tale. Ge binn leinn a' chuthag cha bhinn leinn cuthag-chluaise, we like the cuckoo...an còrr |
fuairead -id, sm Coldness, degree of coldness. A' dol am fuairead, growing colder and colder; a...an còrr |
ge be †† conj. (for ce be) Whoever, whatever. |
ged conj. Though, although. 2** But. Ged a chrochar mi, though I were hanged; ged tha, ...an còrr |
gus prep. To, unto, as far as. 2 So that, in order that. Gus nach cluinnte e, so that he could...an còrr |
h Uath, the hawthorn-tree. The eighth letter of the Gaelic alphabet now in use. It is used in S...an còrr |
mìostadh ** -aidh, sm Mischief. 2 Loss. 'S ge be adhbhar strì e, gum fuilginn mìostadh, and althoug...an còrr |
bus Gum bus bith. proverb, for ge be air bith. Whosoever. |