Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
beàrn -èirn & -eàirn, pl beàrnan, sf Breach, fissure, gap, aperture. 2 Cranny, crevice. ...an còrr |
cinnteach cinntiche, a Certain, positive, assured, sure, confident. 2 Unerring, exact. 3 Plain, ...an còrr |
comasach -aiche, a Powerful, able, capable. 2 Active. 3 Potential in gram. 4* In good wo...an còrr |
còrdadh -aidh, sm Agreement, agreeing, contract. 2 Good terms, good understanding. 3 Appositio...an còrr |
dearbh -a, a Sure, certain. 2 Particular, peculiar, identical. 3 Demonstrative (in gram)....an còrr |
modh -a, -an & -annan, sf Manner, mode, fashion, method. 2 Manners, good breeding. 3 Re...an còrr |
tèarnadh -aidh, sm Escaping, act of escaping or evading. 2 Rescuing, saving. 3 Descent, descending, co...an còrr |
àineach a Imperative (imperative mood in Grammar) — Forbes' G. Gram. |
boireanta a. Effeminate. 2 Feminine in gram. |
brìgh-àrd sf Definition (in gram). |
briosg -a, -an, sm Start, leap, sudden movement, emotion of joy, fear or surprise. 2 Breve, short ma...an còrr |
ceann-sgur -a, cinn-sgur, sm Period, full stop in gram. 2†† End. |
comharraiche sf Index in gram. (►) |
comh-bheurlach a Closely united. 2 Conjunctive, in gram. |
comh-cheanglaiche -an, sm Link of connection, bond, person or thing that ties together. 2 Conjunction in gra...an còrr |
comh-ghnìomhar sm Adverb, in gram. |
cùisear sm Subject of a sentence in gram. |
neartail -e, a. Emphatic in gram. 2 see neartmhor. |
snasachadh -aidh, sm Act of reducing to order or regularity. 2 Act of polishing, ornamenting or making e...an còrr |
stocail a. Radical, in gram. |
stuthail ** a. High-mettled. 2 Of good stuff. 3 Tough, pithy, hardy. 4 Infinitive in gram. |
trastachd sf ind Athwartness, crossness. 2 Antithesis in gram. |