Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
ìochd sf ind see ìoc. |
beul gen sing & n pl beòil, sm Mouth. 2 Opening, aperture, orifice. 3 Approach, ...an còrr |
connspaid sf Dispute, strife, controversy, row, wrangling. Le connspaid is le h-an-iochd, with strif...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
ain-iochd see an-iochd. |
an-iochd sf Cruelty, want of feeling, rigour, oppression. Le h-an-iochd, with rigour. |
bailc -e, -ean, sf Balk, ridge of earth between two furrows. 2 Landmark. 3 Strip of corn-land left ...an còrr |
iochd-ar-n-achd see ioc-ar-nac. |
iochd-ochd (CR) Nolens volens — W. of Ross see ioc-ar-nac. |
leum-iochd sm Balk. Is fheàrr leum-iochd as t-Fhoghar na sguab a bharrachd, a balk in autumn i...an còrr |
sgathadh -aidh, sm Lopping off, severing, act of lopping off or pruning. 2 Biting, act of biting. 3 Hu...an còrr |