Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ìth /iː/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 grease, greasiness 2 (greasy) film on the surface of a liquid 3 complexion, hue |
ith /iç/  gn. ag. -e
dh'ith e bonnach a' bhrosgail he is partial to flattery (fig.) |
gus 'ith about to be… |
air na chunnaic thu a-riamh, na ith surströmming whatever you do, never eat surströmming! |
dh'ith e a chuid de bhonnach a' bhrosgail he is partial to flattery (fig.) |
na ith lòidseach don't eat a lot of food! |
ith do bhagan-leasaich agus cuir salann air do ghiaban bugger off, away you go! (mild) |
leisgeul arain gu ithe ime a thin excuse for doing something more attractive (fig.) |
ith do leòr! /iç dɔ lɔːr/ 1 bon appetit, enjoy your meal! 2 all-you-can-eat |
ith, òl agus bi subhach eat, drink and be merry |
cha do dh'ith thu bolla mine còmhla ris I'm so not impressed, I'm totally unimpressed (fig.) |
cha do dh'ith e trocair he didn't eat a scrap (of food) |
ith a h-uile surc dheth eat every bit of it! |
ith do làn-shàth eat your fill! |
na ith an gur don't eat the germinal disc! |
dh'ith a' bhó smeangladh dheth the cow nibbled at it (without enthusiasm) |
i-teodha /içˈtʲo.ə/ boir. neo-ath.
(poison) hemlock (conium maculatum) |
thoir dhomh e ach an ith mi e  give it to me so that I may eat it, give it to me so I can eat it |
ith pitean eat fanny, give oral sex (to a woman)! |
ith ubhal, aig a' char as lugha eat an apple, at the very least! |
ma thogair ged nach ith e feòil never mind that he won't eat meat |
ith do bhuntàta beag mus dig na Frangaich! eat your food before it eats you! (fig.; said to children picking at their food) |
thalla 's ith do bhoineid! /haL əs iç dɔ vonadʲ/ bugger off! |
cuimhnich nach ith thu e! remember not to eat it! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ith pr pt ag ithe & ag itheadh, va & n. Eat. 2 Gnaw, chew, devour. 3 Corrode. 4 Co...an còrr |
ith † see ioth. |
ith ** s. Fat, tallow. 2 Corn. |
eanraich -ean, sf Kind of soup, flesh-juice, broth, gravy. Am fear a dh'itheas a sheanmhair, faodaidh ...an còrr |
itheadh -idh, sm Eating, act of eating, chewing or gnawing. 2 Corroding, corrosion. Ag itheadh, pr...an còrr |
seanmhair -ar, -airean, sf Grandmother. 2 Aged mother. 3 In some places applied to a brood sow. Am fear...an còrr |
sàth -àith, sm Plenty, great abundance, enough, as of meat or drink, surfeit, fill, satiety. Chan ...an còrr |
aimsith -e, -ean, sm (‡ am + -mis, of eirmis + ith) Mischance. 2 The missing of an aim,...an còrr |
ath-ith (AG) Second eating. 2(†ith or †ioth) Corn damaged by cattle on a field before it is cut. Crod...an còrr |
comh-ith vn Eat with, partake of food, see comaidh. |
comh-ith-thaigh ** sm Eating house. |
deagh-ith ** sf Toothache, see déideadh. |
dod -oid, sm Peevishness, the pet, the dumps. 2 Affront. Tha an dod air a' bhò mhaol, chan ith i ...an còrr |
ich see ith. |
ithe ** sf Eating. Ag ithe, pr pt of ith. |
ith-dhias ** -dhéise, sf Ear of corn. |
itheam 1st sing imp. of ith. Let me eat. |
ithear fut pass of ith. |
ith-fheun † -a, -an, sm Corn-dray. |
ithidh fut aff a of ith. |
ith-iomradh -aidh, sm Backbiting, slanderous report. 2 Murmuring. |
ith-iomradh † va & n. Grumble. 2 Backbite. |
ith-iomraiteach a. Slanderous, backbiting, abusive. 2 Murmuring. |
ithte pt pt of ith. Eaten. 2 Consumed. |
ith-teodha (AC) s. Hemlock — Lismore & N. Argyll see minmheur. |