Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
latha pl. làithean & lathachan, sm Day, space from evening to evening. 2 Daylight. 3 On ...an còrr |
là adv see làmh. |
la † prep. see le. |
là pl. -chan & làithean, see latha. |
bannag -aig, sf New Year's gift. 2 Treat given to one on his first visit on New Year's day. 3 New Ye...an còrr |
Bealltainn -e, sf May-day, first day of May. On the first of May was held a great druidical festival in ...an còrr |
bràth -a, sm Judgment. 2 Destruction. [The sense conflagration given in the dictionaries is ...an còrr |
breitheanas -ais, -an, sm Judgment, decision, sentence. 2 Faculty of judging. 3 Sudden calamity. Thàinig ...an còrr |
canntaireachd sf Chanting, singing, warbling. 2** Melodiousness. 3** Song-singing. 4** Merriment. 5(a) The ...an còrr |
easgann -ainne, -an, sf Eel. 2 Grig. 3 Merry creature. 4 Anything below natural age. 5 see iosgaid. L...an còrr |
gnothach -aich, -aichean, sm Business, avocation. 2 Affair, matter, circumstance. 3 Errand. 4 Call of ...an còrr |
leth sm ind Half. 2 Side, share, interest, charge. 4 One of a pair. Leth mar leth, share and sh...an còrr |
lìon -ìn, pl. lìontan, [lìn — DMy] sm Lint, flax — linum usitatissimum. 2 Linen. 3 N...an còrr |
Nollaig -e, -ean, sf Christmas. Là Nollaig, Christmas Day. |
sguabag -aig, -an, sf dim of sguab. Little besom, whisk. 2 Small sheaf of corn. 3 Smart breeze of win...an còrr |
trasg -aisg, -an, sf Fast, fasting. 'Na thrasg, he fasting; 'na trasg, she fasting; d...an còrr |
tuarastal -ail, -an, sm Wages, reward, hire, fee, salary, stipend. 2 Desert. Ainmich do thuarastal, ...an còrr |
uaill -e, sf Vanity, pride, vainglory. 2 Dignity, conceit, foppery, fame, pomp. 3 Boasting. 4** How...an còrr |
breith-là -làithean, sm Birthday. |
dubh-là see dubh-latha. |
Féill-Brìde sf Candlemas, [Preceded by the art. An Fhéill-Brìde]. Là Fhéill-Brìde, Candlemas Day. |
gogaireachd sf ind Act of making a fool of anyone. Là na Gogaireachd, All Fools' Day — Le...an còrr |
la-bhallan -ain, -an, sf Shrew, water-shrew or mouse. 2(AF) Weasel. 3 Mythical animal, supposed to be la...an còrr |
Là Luain sm Doom's Day, the last day. |
roimh-mheadhan-là ** sm Forenoon. |