Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
làr /Laːr/ ![Listen](Graphics/listen.png) fir. gin. làir, iol. -an
1 floor 2 ground 3 storey 4 middle, centre |
làr-puill fir. gin. làir-phuill, iol. -an-puill
chaidh e mu làr it came to an end |
làr-dannsa fir. gin. làir-dhannsa, iol. -an-dannsa
làr-ionad fir. gin. -aid, iol. -an
tha e 'na phlaidse air an làr he is flat on the floor |
làr-faisgeanta fir. gin. làir-fhaisgeanta, iol. -an-faisgeanta
rach mu làr 1 die down, subside! 2 lapse! |
chaidh e 'na spleog air an làr he went splat on the road |
làr-bualaidh fir. gin. làir-bhualaidh, iol. -an-bualaidh
chaidh i 'na pristealan air an làr it broke into shards on the floor |
mu làr 1 ignored, neglected 2 lapsed |
làr-chaibe fir. iol. -achan
flaucht(er)-spade, breast-plough |
muileann tòine ri làr horizontal turbine mill |
làr d' eòlais familiar ground |
rach gu làr fall down! |
thuit Iain Tormod 'na shléibhtrich air an làr John Norman fell sprawling on the ground/sprawled on the ground |
làr-criadha fir. gin. làir-chriadha, iol. -an-criadha
clì /kliː/ ![Listen](Graphics/listen.png) bua. coi. -the
1 left 2 left-handed 3 mistaken, wrong 4 lar-board, port 5 sinister (in heraldry) |
clé /kleː/ bua. coi. cléithe
1 left 2 left-handed 3 mistaken, wrong 4 lar-board, port 5 sinister (in heraldry) |
bha a h-uile càil a bha aice sa bhaga 'na shléibhtrich air an làr the contents of her bag were strewn all over the floor |
caibe-làir fir. iol. -achan-làir
flaucht(er)-spade, breast-plough |
tuit droll ris an làr fall on your rump, land on your backside! |
làr-bhrat fir. gin. -bhrait, iol. -an
thig air làr dismount! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
làr -àir & -a, sm The ground, earth. 2 Floor, ground floor. 3** Centre. 4 Low ground. ...an còrr |
làr see làir. |
làr a. see làn. Làr-bhurraidh, a complete blockhead. |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
àth àtha, pl -an, & -annan, sf Kiln. Nuair a bha sinn san àth le chéile, when we we...an còrr |
ciabh -a, -an, sf Side look of hair. 2 The hair. 3 Ringlet. 4 Tress. Thuit i agus sgaoil a ciabha a...an còrr |
laigh pr pt a' laighe, vn Lie, lie down, recline, couch. 2 Light, perch, settle, as a bird. ...an còrr |
ùrlar -air, -an, sm The lowest part. 2 Floor of a house. 3 Ground floor. 4 Earth. 5 Floor of earth ...an còrr |
fa ** prep. On, upon, above. Fa làr, on the ground, omitted, neglected; fan aobhar ud, ...an còrr |
ceart-làr † sm Centre, middle joint. |
làir gen sing of làr. |
làr-bhrat -bhrait, s. Carpet. |
làr-chaibe (AH) prov. for caibe-làir. |
làr-mhaide see làir-mhaide. |
ros pr pt a' rosadh, va & n. Shake off seed or grain from its stalk, as by wind in aut...an còrr |
sùgh-làr see sùbh-làir. |
uchd-làr s The floor of a kiln round about the eye. |