Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
lìonadh /Lʲiənəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) filling 2 filling, fill 3 (act of) rising, flowing, coming in (of the tide) 4 deadpiece/deadwood (of a boat) |
lìon /Lʲiən/ gn. ag. -adh
1 fill! 2 occupy, take up! 3 rise, flow, come in! (of the tide) |
lìonadh-talmhainn fir. gin. -aidh-thalmhainn, iol. -aidhean-talmhainn
coileanadh /kɔlənəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) completing, fulfilling 2 fulfillment, completion 3 (act of) performing 4 performance (amount of accomplishment) 5 (act of) accomplishing, achieving 6 accomplishment, achievement |
glut-lìonadh fir. gin. -aidh
1 wall fill 2 (act of) filling a wall (with gravel etc) |
ath-lìonadh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) refilling, replenishing 2 refill, replenishment |
glut-lìon gn. ag. -adh
fill a wall! (with gravel etc) |
ath-lìon gn. ag. -adh
tha am muir a' lìonadh the tide is rising |
ath-lìon sgadan re-pack and re-salt herring! |
lìon suas fill up! |
lìonadh-toisich fir. gin. -aidh-thoisich, iol. -aidhean-toisich
lìonadh-deiridh fir. gin. -aidh-dheiridh, iol. -aidhean-deiridh
mus dug e a' chiad bhoinne de lìonadh before the return of the flow-tide |
lìonadh sruth-cheumnach gradated fill |
mus tilleadh am muir air a lìonadh before the tide rose again/the rising tide set in |
lìonadh caiseadach gradient fill |
lìonadh innich texture fill |
beàrn-lìonadh fir. gin. -aidh
1 (act of) infilling 2 infill |
beàrn-lìon gn. ag. -adh
foir-lìonadh fir. gin. -aidh
1 (act of) completing 2 (act of) making perfect 3 (act of) fulfilling |
foir-lìon gn. ag. -adh
1 complete! 2 make perfect! 3 fulfil! |
cho cinnteach 's a tha tràghadh is lìonadh na mara as sure as eggs are eggs, as sure as hell (fig.) |
ro-lìon gn. ag. -adh
ro-lìonadh fir. gin. -aidh
1 (act of) pre-filling, pre-populating 2 pre-population |
Toraidhean Dwelly
lìonadh -aidh, sm Filling, act of filling, replenishing. 2 State of being filled, approaching to fuln...an còrr |
lìonadh past pass. of lìon. Was or were filled. |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
lìon pr pt a' lìonadh, va & n. Fill, replenish, satiate. 2 Become full. 3 Flow, as tide...an còrr |
caithream -eim, sm [& sf] Joyful noise. 2 Applause. 3 Shout of triumph or joy. 4 Loud noise....an còrr |
ath-lìonadh -aidh, sm Refilling, replenishing, recruiting, reflowing. Ag ath-lìonadh, pr pt of ath...an còrr |
comh-lìonadh -aidh, sm Fulfilling, accomplishment, fulfilment. A' comh-lìonadh, pr pt of comh- ...an còrr |
do-lìonadh ‡‡ a Insaturable. 2(DC) Insatiable. |
glutadh Barra for glut-lìonadh. |
glut-lìon (DC) pr pt a' glut-lìonadh & a' glutadh, va Pack inside of a wall with gravel ...an còrr |
glut-lìonadh (DC) sm Packing of gravel, put in the middle of house-walls to fill up the space between them...an còrr |
lìonadh-deiridh sm Deadwood in stern of a boat, see O3, p. 73. |
lìonadh-toisich sm Deadwood in bow of a boat, see N4, p. 73. |
luaghainn s. Wobbling. 2(DMy) Paunch, stomach. Cha b' e rud beag a lìonadh a luaghainn, a lit...an còrr |
stuaidh * vn Come near, approximate. Cha stuaidh thu air, you will not come near him...an còrr |
tuileachas sm Flooding. Dhia a rinn lìonadh is tràgha is tuileachas, God who made ebb and flow and fl...an còrr |