Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
lùghdachadh /Luːdəxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) decreasing, diminishing, reducing, lessening, making less, becoming less 2 deduction 3 reduction (also in chemistry) 4 decline, downturn |
lùghdaich /Luːdɪç/ gn. ag. -dachadh
1 decrease, diminish, lessen, make less, become less! 2 reduce! (also in chemistry) 3 decline! |
fìor-lùghdaich gn. ag. -dachadh
minimise! (esp. in computing) |
dèan fìor-lùghdachadh air cumhachd Pàrlamaid na h-Alba minimise the powers of the Scottish Parliament! |
dèan lughdachadh air cumhachd Seanadh na Cuimrigh reduce the powers of the Welsh Senate! |
lùghdachadh àireamh an t-sluaigh population decrease |
lùghdachadh cìse tax reduction |
atachadh agus lùghdachadh expansion and contraction (in science) |
lùghdachadh an cois neo-thagraidh no-claims discount |
lùghdachadh ann an àireamh-shluaigh population decline |
lùghdachadh raoin-ionnsaigh attack surface reduction |
lùghdachadh ann an dìteadh remission of a sentence |
lughdachadh fuaime noise reduction/abatement |
fìor-lùghdachadh fir. gin. -aidh
(act of) minimising (esp. in computing) |
lùghdachadh crithe anti-shake |
Achd Lùghdachadh Trafaig Rathaidean Road Traffic Reduction Act |
lùghdachadh ceudadach percentage decrease |
Toraidhean Dwelly
lùghdachadh ** -aidh, sm Diminishing, abating, dimution, subtraction, decrease, abatement, decreasing. A'...an còrr |
lùghdaich pr pt a' lùghdachadh, va & n. Lessen, diminish, abate, decrease, assuage, mitigate...an còrr |
laghdachadh -aidh, see lùghdachadh. 2** Alloy. |