Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
las pr pt a' lasadh, va & n. Kindle, light. 2 Get into a passion, enrage. 3 Sparkle, f...an còrr |
las s. Flame. |
las a. W. of Ross for lasach. |
coinneal gen coinnle, pl. coinnlean, sf Candle. 2 Torch. 3(DC) Straight piece of wood on...an còrr |
lasadh -aidh, sm Lighting, act or state of lighting. 2 Blazing, shining. 3 Flame. 4 Flaming. 5 Flush...an còrr |
dearg-las vn Blaze up, break into flames. 2 Give out red flames. |
lais † see las. 2** Hand. 3** Cry. |
laiste pt pt of las. Kindled, lighted up. 2 Enraged. Laiste le boil chath, kindled with ar...an còrr |
luis gen sing & npl. of las. |