Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
leasachadh /Lʲesəxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) improving, (a)meliorating 2 improvement, (a)melioration 3 (act of) reforming 4 reform(ation) 5 (act of) developing 6 development 7 (act of) amending 8 amendment, addition 9 (act of) augmenting, supplementing 10 supplement (in religion) 11 (act of) replenishing 12 replenishment 13 (act of) dressing, fertilising 14 fertilisation |
leasaich /Lʲesɪç/ gn. ag. -sachadh
1 improve, (a)meliorate! 2 reform! 3 develop! 4 amend! 5 augment, supplement! 6 replenish! 7 dress, fertilise! |
ath-leasachadh /ah lesəxəɣ/  fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) reforming 2 reform(ation) 3 (with def. art.) the Reformation 4 (act of) redeveloping, restoring 5 redevelopment, restoration 6 (act of) amending 7 amendment |
tìr fo leasachadh developing country |
ath-leasaich /ah lesɪç/ gn. ag. -sachadh
1 reform! 2 redevelop! 3 amend! |
's e an t-saill a bhithear a leasachadh /ʃɛ əN taiLʲ ə vi.ər ə lesəxəɣ/ wealth begets wealth, unto him that hath shall be given |
gluais gun an suidheachadh a leasachadh take steps to improve the situation! |
co-leasaich gn. ag. -sachadh
1 develop jointly! 2 compensate! (also in technology, photography etc) |
tha dùil aca ri leasachadh teaghlaich they're expecting a new family member |
cha ghabh a leasachadh it can't be helped |
an aon leasachadh a bh' aca the only fertiliser they had |
leasachadh-fala fir. gin. -aidh-fhala
tabhartas leasachadh dachaigh home improvement grant |
leasachadh tiomnaidh codicil |
tha ùrnaigh eile san leasachadh seo there is another prayer in this supplement |
leasachadh ghoireasan resource development |
Leasachadh Proifeiseanta Leantainneach Continuing Professional Development (CPD) |
leasachadh saidheansail scientific development |
dèan leasachadh air cùmhnant amend a contract! |
dèan leasachadh air lagh amend a law! |
stéidh airson leasachadh a basis/springboard for development |
pròiseact leasachadh sgilean skills upgrade project |
Buidheann Leasachadh Coimhearsnachd Horsiadair Horshader Community Development |
co-leasachadh bìdh nutritional supplement |
Rùnaire a' Chaibineit airson na h-Àrainneachd, Atharrachadh Gnàth-shìde agus Ath-leasachadh Fearainn Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform |
Toraidhean Dwelly
leasachadh -aidh, sm Improving, act or state of improving, amending, benefiting, repairing or correcting...an còrr |
leasaich pr pt a' leasachadh, va Rectify, correct, amend, repair. 2 Supply. 3 Fill, replenish, ...an còrr |
ath-leasachadh -aidh, -ean, sm Reforming, mending, reformation, amendment, correction, amelioration, improve...an còrr |
leasach -aich, sm Manure, see leasachadh. |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
aidhseachadh pr pt of v aidhsich. Envying. Is iomadh neach a tha 'gam aidhseachadh an-diugh nach do...an còrr |
comh-leasachadh -aidh, sm Requital, compensation. A' comh-leasachadh, pr pt of comh-leasaich. |
comh-leasaich pr pt a' comh-leasachadh, va Make up, compensate. 2 Restore, requite. |
do-leasachadh -aidh, a Irreparable, that can not be helped. 2 Incurable. |