Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
leigeil /Lʲegʲal/
boir. gin. -gealach
1 (act of) allowing, letting, permitting 2 (act of) letting out, letting off 3 (act of) draining 4 drainage
leig /Lʲegʲ/
gn. ag. -eil
1 allow, let, permit! 2 let out, let off! 3 drain!
leig fhaicinn
let's see it, reveal it!
gn. ag. -eil
drain! (e.g. a wound or abscess)
boir. gin. -leigealach
(act of) draining (e.g. a wound or abscess)
tha mi gus leigeil roimhe
I'm dead tired
leig dhìot do dhreuchd
leigidh mi an cù annad
I'll set the dog on you
tha leigeil ann
the weather is getting calmer
tha a' bhó a leigeil a' bhainne
the cow is giving milk
tha a' bhó a' leigeil foidhpe
the cow is showing signs of being pregnant
's fheàrr dhomh leigeil leat an-dràsta
I better let you get on, I better leave you in peace now
cha deic luaths na h-earba gun na coin a leigeil innte
something self-evident (fig.)
urchair mhath aig fear gun ghunna is leigeil fada aig fear gun chù
he is an armchair general/back-seat driver (fig.)
tha e air a leigeil seachad
he has given it up
grìos ri Seumas an cuilean a leigeil ás
implore James to let go of the puppy!
chan eil orra-san ach an leigeil seachad
the only thing to do is to ignore them
cha robh aig Calum air ach an t-earball a leigeil leis a' chraiceann
there was nothing for it (for Calum) but to let go completely/give up (fig.)
tha thu 'gad leigeil fhéin air dheireadh
you are letting yourself fall behind
leigeil ri solas
exposure to light
chaidh leigeil leotha fuireach air an cois anmoch
they were allowed to stay up late
cha rachadh leigeil leotha sin a dhèanamh
they wouldn't be allowed to do that
leigeil dhìot
leig cudrom air puing
stress a point, press home a point!
leigeil dheth dreuchd
Toraidhean Dwelly
gen. leigealach, sm Permitting, act of permitting, allowing or granting. 2 Milking, còrr
sm Letting go, the hand is lowered to let the spun thread run on to the reel of còrr
-aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bà còrr
prep pron (fo + e) Under him or it, below him or it. 2 Under his command. Tha an latha a' còrr
-an, sf Device, contrivance. 2 Ingenuity. 3 Invention. 4 Evil device or stratagem. 5 còrr
pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the còrr
mu sgaoil
adv Abroad, at large. Chaidh a leigeil mu sgaoil, he was set free.
prep. Past, beyond, farther than. 2 More than, rather than. Seach an doras, past the door; còrr
-àibh, -an, sm Straw. 2†† Straw fuse for blasting. 3** Plenty. 4 Falling water. A' trusadh còrr
-e, sf Prop, support. 2 Strength, vigour. 3 Dependance, leaning. 4* Preparation. 5* Fulcrum. còrr
-air, -an, sm Colour, hue, appearance, countenance, complexion. 2 Hardship. 3 Food. 4 Cast. còrr
-e, -ean, sf Arbitration. 2 Decision. 3 Appeal, entreaty. 4 Threat, threatening. 5 Umpire. 6 còrr
prep pron Under her, beneath her. 2 Under her command. emphatic foidhpese. When a cow còrr
-idh, sm & pr pt Same meanings as leigeil.
-air, -an, sm Knot on the surface of wood. 2 Fissure in wood. 3 Seam or joint, as in a boat. còrr