Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
leus /Lʲiəs/  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. leòis
1 light, ray 2 torch (used in night-fishing) 3 blister 4 blush |
leus-mara fir. gin. ⁊ iol. leòis-mhara
tha aiseag san leus the torch is flickering |
leus-iùil fir. gin. ⁊ iol. leòis-iùil
leus-shùileach bua. coi. -liche
leus-shùil boir. gin. -shùla, iol. -ean
leus-lìn fir. gin. ⁊ iol. leòis-lìn
leus-uisge fir. gin. ⁊ iol. leòis-uisge
dòrn-leus /dɔːRNləs/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -leòis
fàg leus leave a scar! |
chan eil leus fradhairc aige he has no sight at all, he is completely blind |
eadar thu is leus on the horizon |
An Leus Oilimpeach gin. an Leòis Oilimpich
leus-rabhaidh fir. gin. ⁊ iol. leòis-rabhaidh
duibhleas /dɯiləs/ fir. gin. -eis, iol. -an
leus-teine fir. gin. leòis-theine, iol. -an-teine
leus-mùire fir. gin. leòis-mhùire
morphea, localised scleroderma |
leus-chnuimh boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
glowworm, firefly, lightning bug |
thoir leus air a casan make her feet blister! |
thig leus air do thòn you will get a blister on your bum, your bum will blister! |
chan fhaic mi leus I can't see a thing |
Toraidhean Dwelly
leus leòis, sm Blaze, flame. 2 Light, ray of light, glimmering light. 3** Fir-candle. 4 Torch used...an còrr |
sguab -aib, sm Besom, broom, brush. 2 Sheaf of corn. 3 The plant bealaidh (from which brushe...an còrr |
eu- neg particle, also eug-, ea-, ei-, and a-. The following remarks about the distinguishing fea...an còrr |
bàin-leus see bàn-leus. |
bàn-leus -leòis, sm Thin white cloud. |
caomh-leus -eòis, sf Pleasant blaze. |
duibh-leas see duibh-leus. |
duibh-leus -leòis, sm Shade, cloud. |
lèas -eòis, prov. for leus. |
léis gen sing of leus. |
leòis gen sing & npl. of leus. |
leòs † -eòis, sm Light, see leus. 2 Disclosure. 3 Blush. 4** Reproof. |
leus-chnuimh -e, -ean, sf Glow-worm. |
leus-chnuimheach -eiche, a. Of, or belonging to glow-worms. 2 Full of glow-worms. |
leus-ghath -a, -an, sm Ray of light. 2 Sultry beam. |
leus-mara sm Beacon. |
leus-mùire sm Morphea. |
leus-sùil sf Pearl-eye. |
leus-teine leòis-theine, pl. -eòis-theine & leusan-teine, sm Firebrand. |
lias leòis & léis, pl. -an, prov. for leus. |
lias-mara see leus-mara. |
tòrr-leus -leòis, -an, sm Torch. |
fuaith-leus sm Adumbration. |
leus-gealaich (WC) s Crescent. |