Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
lios /Lʲis/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
lìos fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
lios /Lʲis/ fir. gin. léis
leas /Lʲes/  fir. neo-ath.
1 benefit, advantage 2 good, welfare 3 wellbeing 4 interest 5 muck, dirty smear (on the rump of cattle or the hem of clothing) |
lios-àraich fir. iol. -an-àraich
fìon-lios fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
Lios Mór ainm-àite fir.
1 Lismore (Ag&B) 2 Lismore (NS; Canada) |
meas-lios fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
lios-càil fir. iol. -an-càil
kaleyard, vegetable garden |
cùirt-lios fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
lios-chaol fir. gin. lis-chaol, iol. -an-chaol
osier willow yard (for growing osiers) |
lios-ùbhlan fir. iol. -an-ùbhlan
lios-mheas fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
Mac á Lìos sloinn.
Lios an Eilein (Sgitheanaich) The Garden of Skye (poetic) |
lios-bhaile fir. iol. -bhailtean
thoir tabhartas-cuideachaidh do Chomann Eachdraidh Lios Mór give grant aid to the Lismore Historical Society! |
Lios Tuathail ainm-àite neo-ath.
Éirigh Lios Tuathail The Listowel Mutiny |
An Seann-lios  ainm-àite fir. gin. an t-Seann-liosa
lios-mheas fir. gin. -a-mheas, iol. -an-mheas
lios-ola fir. iol. -an-ola
lios-dhearcan /Lʲis ʝɛRxgən/ fir. gin. -a-dhearcan, iol. -an-dhearcan
taigh cùirt-lios (court)yard house |
Lios nan Cearrbhach ainm-àite
Toraidhean Dwelly
lios lise, & -a, pl. -an, sf Garden. 2 Fuller's or printer's press. 3 Mangle. 4** Longi...an còrr |
cnò pl. cnòthan [cnòmha & †† cnòmhan], sf Nut. 2 Filbert. 3 Shell of a s...an còrr |
rìoghail -e, a. Royal, kingly. 2** Princely. 3 Loyal. Lios rìoghail, a royal court; taigh rìogh...an còrr |
abaid ** sm Abbot. Lios an abaid, the abbot's court. |
domh-lios † ** sm House surrounded by a moat or watered trench as a means of defence. |
dùn-lios -lis, -liosan, sm Palace. 2 Palace-yard. 3 Fort garden. 4** Garrison. |
eug-lios -is, -an, sm Burial ground, churchyard, cemetery. |
faith-lios † ** -an, sm Wardrobe. |
fìonan -ain, sf & m. Vine, see crann-fìona. 2 Vineyard, vinery, see fìon-lios. Tìr nam fì...an còrr |
fìon-lios -an, sm Vineyard. |
leas -is, sf prov. for lios. |
lios-àraich ‡‡ sf Nursery (for plants). |
lios-mheas -an, sf Orchard. |
proinn-lios ** see proinn-lann. |
pronn-lios see proinn-lann. |
tur-lom vn Make quite bare. 2 Strip naked. 3 Glean. Cha tur-lom thu d' fhìon-lios, you shall not g...an còrr |