Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
long /Lɔuŋg/ boir. gin. luinge, iol. -an
fada /fadə/ bua. coi. fhaide
1 long 2 far 3 lanky, tall |
domhan-fhad fir. gin. -fhaid, iol. -an
miannaich /miəNɪç/ gn. ag. -nnachadh
1 desire, long for! 2 wish for! |
sìneadh fada long vowel/consonant |
ionndraich /jũːNdrɪç/ gn. ag. -rainn
o chionn fhada 1 a long time ago 2 for a long time, since long ago |
tha sraon air he's in a headlong rush |
cha robh fad-saoghal an dàn dha he was not destined to live long |
a sheachdain 's a Shàbaid all week long |
mar cheum bà caoile gu buaile feasgar luaineach earraich unhurried like a languid river, lasting a long time (fig.) |
air a' char bho dheireadh at long last, in the very end |
mu dheireadh 's mu dhéidh at long last, finally |
fad finn fuain an latha all the livelong day, the whole day long |
cho fada ri Là Fhéill Seathain as t-samhradh as long as a summer's day (fig.) |
cha chìr thu ceann liath you won't last that long, you won't be around for long enough! (fig.) |
saoghal mór 1 a big world 2 long life |
an do tharraing an tì? has the tea infused/stood long enough? |
an geall air 1 committed/pledged to 2 hanker after, long for |
cha robh mi móran 's dhen cheàird sin I hadn't been doing that for long, I hadn't been at it for a long time |
fad-shaoghalach bua. coi. -aiche
o chionn fhada mhór an t-saoghail a very long time ago, ages and ages ago |
cuir thuige lìon-mór prepare a long/great-line! |
cho fada ris an t-sìorraidheachd as long as time itself (fig.) |
damhan-rong mór harvestman, daddy longlegs (opiliones order) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
long gen luing & luinge, pl. -an, sf Any kind of ship. 2 Three- or four-masted b...an còrr |
long † va Destroy, devour. 2 Worry. |
dòrn dùirn, sm Fist. 2 Blow or box with the fist, buffet. 3 Hilt, haft, handle. 4* Hold of an oar....an còrr |
acainn -e, -ean, sf Apparatus, implements, utensils, tackle, tools, appendages of any kind. 2 Salve,...an còrr |
togail gen -e & togalach, pl toglaichean, sf Lifting, act of lifting. 2 Building, ...an còrr |
àireach -ich, sm Cattleman. 2 Grazier. 3 Dairyman. 4** Shepherd. 5 Bowman - Hebrides. There is...an còrr |
àitich pr pt ag àiteachadh, va & n Inhabit, dwell, settle. 2 Cultivate, till, improve. 3*...an còrr |
driamlach -aich, -aichean, sf Fishing-line, line for a fishing-rod, made of old from the long hairs of ...an còrr |
anns prep In, in the. Anns gach beul, in every mouth. [Used before the article an, a...an còrr |
aois-dàna ** s pl Bards, poets. 2 Rehearsers of ancient poetry. 3 Genealogists. 4 Soothsayers. The aois...an còrr |
trian sm ind Third part. 2 Particle. 3 Ray. 4 District. Trian a chliù, the third of his fame; ...an còrr |
adhar -air, sm Sky, firmament. 2 Atmosphere, air, cloud. 3 Dregs of a disease. 4* Evil effects of a...an còrr |
bab ‡‡ -a, pl -an, & -annan, sm Tuft, tassel. 2* Child's excrement. 3(AG...an còrr |
draoidh -ean, sm Druid, magician. 2 Conjurer. 3 Philosopher. 4†† Morose person. No direct native ...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
beart beairt, pl beairt [& bearta] sf Machine, engine. 2 Loom, frame. 3 Deed, work, expl...an còrr |
beò a Alive, living. 2 Quick, lively, sprightly. Am beò e? is he alive? tha e gu math beò,...an còrr |
Inid -e, sf Shrove-tide. DiMàirt na h-Inide, Shrove Tuesday. Inid bheadaidh, said wh...an còrr |
bheir fut aff of tabhair or thoir. Có a bheir còmhrag? who will give battle? b...an còrr |
binn -e, a Melodious, musical, sweet. 2 Shrill. 3 Harmonious. 4‡‡ True. An ni nach b...an còrr |
galar -air, pl. -a & -an, sm Disease, distemper, malady. Galar fada is eug 'na bhun, ...an còrr |
eadar prep. [Governs a substantive in the nominative. Combined with the personal pronouns thus:...an còrr |
ealain -e, -ean, sf Learning, art, science. 2 Skill, ingenuity. 3 Poesy. 4* Trade, profession, occup...an còrr |
gàmag -aig, -an, sf Stride, span, long step or bound in running at full speed. 2(DC) Shoemaker's ni...an còrr |
leum-fada sm Long jump. |