Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
beag /beg ~ Lɤɣə/ Listen
bua. coi. lugha
1 small, little, wee 2 minor 3 petty, puny, trifling 4 slight
's lugha air Calum coin
Calum hates/abhors dogs
air a' char as lugha Listen
at (the very) least
cuid as lugha
is lugha e na fuilmean màthair-adhbhar a' bhuairidh
an argument can grow out of nothing (fig.)
rud as lugha goirt
the least bit sore
cuiridh an rud as lugha dhe a rothain e
the smallest thing knocks him off balance/throws him (fig.)
nas lugha na chaidh e ann
unless he went there
tha e a' gabhail nas lugha na am baraill
it holds less than the barrel
air a' chuid as lugha Listen
at least
cha lugha ceann na mùiteachd céille
so many heads, so many wits (fig.)
coimhead air dà bhliadhna air a' char as lugha gus…
take two years as a minimum to…!
cuid as lugha reachdail
statutory minimum
dreimire nas lugha
lesser centaury (centaurium pulchellum)
farspach nas lugha
lesser black-backed gull (larus fuscus)
fliodh nas lugha
lesser chickweed (stellaria pallida)
garbhag nas lugha
lesser clubmoss, northern/club/low spikemoss, prickly mountain moss (selaginella selaginoides)
gheibh thu a chóig air a' char as lugha
you can have a minimum of five
gun an spàirn as lugha
without any resistance/a fight
ith ubhal, aig a' char as lugha
eat an apple, at the very least!
lus nam balgan nas lugha
lesser bladderwort (utricularia minor)
mogairlean an dealain-dhé nas lugha
lesser butterfly orchid (platanthera bifolia)
's e seo as lugha /ʃɛ ʃɔ sLɤɣə/
this is less
's lugha orm e!
I really hate him!
tuislich aig gach grabadh as lugha
stumble over the slightest obstacle!
Toraidhean Dwelly
comp of beag. Less, least. 2 More or most disagreeable. 3(DC) Used as the positive degree in còrr
see lùghadh.
prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the còrr
-imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 còrr
-idh, sm Penetrating, piercing. 2 Soaking, oozing through. 3* Impression. 4 còrr
-a, sm [sf in Badenoch]. Knowledge, information. 2 Notice, intelligence. 3 còrr
-e, sf Deceit, fraud, treachery, wrong. 2 rarely Leisure. Labhair e le foill, he còrr
pres. ind v def. & irreg.
Thus conjugated:
IND pres is mi, I am; còrr
comp of mór. Larger, largest. 2 Greater, greatest. Is esan as motha, he is the greatest; còrr
a Little, short, diminutive. 2 Disagreeable, often used to express disapprobation. 3 Light, còrr
-eidh, sm Covering, act of covering, shading or obscuring. 2* Sprinkling. 3 Shading, còrr