Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
luibh /Lɯiv/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
luibh-ghàrraidh boir. iol. -ean-gàrraidh
luibh-sgàil boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
luibh-eòlas fir. gin. -ais
luibh-Chaluim-Chille boir. gin. -e-Chaluim-Chille, iol. -ean-Chaluim-Chille
bog/Lancashire/bastard asphodel (narthecium ossifragum) |
luibh an eòrna cornflower, bachelor's button (centaurea cyanus) |
luibh an sporain shepherd's purse (capsella bursa-pastoris) |
luibh-eòlasach bua. coi. -aiche
luibh nam maclan herb Robert (geranium robertianum) |
luibh nan trì bheann bogbean, buckbean, marsh trefoil (menyanthes trifoliata) |
luibh a' chneas meadowsweet, mead wort, meadow-wort, queen/lady of the meadow, bridewort (filipendula ulmaria) |
luibh na càbhraich cleavers, clivers, catchweed, sticky weed/Willy, goosegrass, Robin-run-the-hedge (galium aparine) |
mion-luibh boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
luibh-lighiche fir. iol. -an
luibh-eòlaiche fir. iol. -an
glas-luibh boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
wintergreen (various species of plant) |
luibh-dho-labhairt boir. gin. -e-do-labhairt, iol. -ean-do-labhairt
(trailing) bittersweet, bittersweet/climbing/trailing/woody nightshade (solanum dulcamara) |
searbh-luibh boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
(absinthe/grand) wormwood, absinthium (artemisia absinthium) |
cat-luibh boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
cudweed (genus gnaphalium) |
luibh-phuinnsean fir. gin. -ein, iol. -an
pears-luibh boir. gin. -e
garden parsley (petroselinum crispum) |
luibh-chridhe /Lɯiv xrʲi.ə/ boir. gin. -e-cridhe, iol. -ean-cridhe
selfheal, allheal (prunella vulgaris) |
luibh-bheann boir. gin. -e-bheann, iol. -ean-bheann
mountain avens, white dryad/dryas (dryas octopetala) |
luibh-phlancton /Lɯiv flaŋgdɔn/ fir. gin. -oin
glas-luibh chùbhraidh boir.
one-flowered wintergreen (moneses uniflora) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
luibh -ean, sm & f Herb, plant. 2 Weed. 3 Grass. |
cobhair pr pt a' cobhair & a' cobhradh, fut. aff. coibhridh, va Relieve, help, aid,...an còrr |
casgadh -aidh, sm Quenching, stopping, curbing, staunching, appeasing, restraining. 2 Act of quenchin...an còrr |
machair sm -charach & -chrach, pl machraichean, sf Extensive low-lying fertile plai...an còrr |
bog-luibh see bog-lus. |
cadh-luibh sf see cat-luibh. |
cad-luibh see cat-luibh. |
cat-luibh sf Cudwort, cudweed, see luibh a' chait. |
cnàmh-lus sm Cudwort, cudweed, see luibh a' chait. 2§ Samphire, see saimbhir. [Preceded by the art...an còrr |
grian-luibh ** s. Heliotrope, (flower). |
ìoc-luibh -ean, see ìoc-lus. |
leann-luibh s. Hop, see lus an leanna. |
lionn-luibh see leann-luibh. |
liubh-bhiast (AF) see luibh-bhiast. |
luibh a' chait § sm Cudweed, everlasting — gnaphalium dioicum & gnaphalium sylvaticum. |
luibh a' chneas sm Queen of the meadow — Colonsay. |
luibh an ithe s. Lettuce, see liatas. |
luibh an ladhair sf Cleaver. |
luibh an liùgair -ean-, sm Common lovage — levisticum officinale. |
luibh-bheann § s. The hill plant, see machall-monaidh. |
luibh-bhiast -bhéist, -bhéistean, sm Caterpillar. |
luibh-bhiastach -aiche, a. Abounding in caterpillars. |
luibh Chaluim Chille sm Bog asphodel — Colonsay. |
luibh-chridhe sf Heart's ease. Is luibh-chridhe leam fhéin e, it's heart's-ease to myself. |
luibh chrudh an eich sf Aurora. |