Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
luis /Luʃ/ fir. neo-ath.
1 swarm 2 gush (e.g. of water) |
luis /Luʃ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 the letter L, ᚛ᚂ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) rowan (sorbus) |
lus /Lus/ fir. gin. lusa, iol. -an
(an) cnap-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
marshmallow (althaea officinalis) |
slàn-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
any medicinal herb (esp. ribwort plantain (plantago lanceolata), self-heal (prunella vulgaris), or garden/common sage (salvia officinalis)) |
garbh-lus fir. gin. -lusa, iol. -an
cleavers, clivers, catchweed, sticky weed/Willy, Robin-run-the-hedge, goosegrass (galium aparine) |
lus-buidhe fir. gin. luis-bhuidhe, iol. -an-buidhe
unspecific name for yellow plants (e.g. marigolds, rockets...) |
cruaidh-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
sneezewort (yarrow), sneezeweed, white tansy, wild/bastard/European pellitory, fair-maid-of-France (achillea ptarmica) |
liath-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
mugwort, common wormwood (artemisia vulgaris) |
lus-mór fir. gin. luis-mhóir, iol. -an-móra
great(er)/water spearwort (ranunculus lingua) |
lus-riabhach fir. gin. -a-riabhaich, iol. -an-riabhach
marsh/European purple lousewort (pedicularis palustris) |
lus-Phàdraig fir. gin. luis-Phàdraig, iol. -an-Phàdraig
greater/common/broadleaf plantain (plantago major) |
cràg-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
meadow/giant/tall buttercup (ranunculus acris) |
lus-monaidh fir. gin. -luis-mhonaidh, iol. -an-monaidh
snàth-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
tasselweed (genus ruppia) |
lus-midhe fir. gin. -a-mhidhe, iol. -an-midhe
forget-me-not (genus myosotis) |
crom-lus /krɔumLus/ fir. gin. -luis, iol. -lusan
blàth-lus fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
glas-lus fir. gin. -lusa
(dyer's) woad, glastum (isatis tinctoria) |
las /Las/ fir. gin. lais, iol. -an
lus-garbh fir. gin. luis-ghairbh, iol. -an-garbha
cleavers, clivers, catchweed, sticky weed/Willy, Robin-run-the-hedge, goosegrass (galium aparine) |
lus-fèithleagach fir. gin. luis-fhèithleagaich, iol. -an-fèithleagach
legume (leguminosae/fabaceae family) |
feasgar-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
dame's violet, dame's/sweet rocket, night scented gilliflower (hesperis matronalis) |
gealach-lus fir. gin. -lusa, iol. -an
(annual) honesty, silver dollar (plant) (lunaria annua) |
Gleann Lus ainm-àite
1 Glenluce (D&G) 2 Glen Luss (Ag&B) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
luis gen sing & npl. of las. |
luis (CR) s coll Multitude of small objects, especially crawling insects - W. of Ross. 2 Sw...an còrr |
luis (CR) sm Outrush of water — Perthshire. |
luis † vn Dare. 2 Adventure. |
luis § sf Mountain-ash or rowan-tree — sorbus aucuparia. [Badge of the MacLachlans]....an còrr |
L luis, the quicken tree. The tenth letter of the Gaelic alphabet now in use. When it is preced...an còrr |
liath-lus § -luis, -an, sm Mugwort — artemesia vulgaris. |
slàn-lus -luis, -an, sm Ribwort plantain (plantago lanceolata). 2** Any medicinal herb. 3§ Self...an còrr |
bàrr-guc -an, sf Blossom, bloom, most frequently applied to those of leguminous vegetables, as peas, p...an còrr |
beith luis nuin † The Ogham Chraobh or old Gaelic alphabet. This is the Gaelic equivalent of the English expression ...an còrr |
biadh lus -luis, sm Salad. |
craobh-chaorainn § pl. -an-, sf Mountain ash or rowan tree, see luis. 2** Service tree, see craobh...an còrr |
dun-lus -luis, -an, sm (for donn-lus) see lus nan cnapan. |
dur-lus § -luis, sm Watercress, especially nasturtium officinalis, but applied to all cre...an còrr |
fuinseag-coille § sf Goldenrod — solidago virgaurea. 2 Mountain ash, see luis. [Name given by Shaw to ...an còrr |
garbh-lus -luis, -an, sm Goose-grass, cleavers, hay-ruff, catch-weed — galium aparine. |
luan-lus § -luis, sm Moonwort — botrychium lunaria. Found but sparingly in Scottish ...an còrr |
luis-bhalgair § npl Clubmoss — Lycopodium clavatum, annotinum and the rest of that family...an còrr |
luis-meiligeagach § s. coll. Legumes, the order of plants called leguminiferae or pod-bearer...an còrr |
lus-bhalgair see luis-bhalgair. |
lus-feidhleagach see luis-feidhleagach. |
maoth-lus -luis, an, sm Tender herb or flower. 2** Grass. Mar mhaoth-lus fàsaidh tu, like a tender h...an còrr |
mìlsean crom-luis ** sm Syrup of poppies. |
pòr-cochallach -aiche, a. Leguminous as plants, see luis meiligeagach. |