Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
lus /Lus/  fir. gin. lusa, iol. -an
Lus /Lus/  ainm-àite fir.
lus-eòlaiche fir. iol. -an
(an) cnap-lus  fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
marshmallow (althaea officinalis) |
lus an fhradhairc eyebright (euphrasia officinalis) |
lus-garbh fir. gin. luis-ghairbh, iol. -an-garbha
cleavers, clivers, catchweed, sticky weed/Willy, Robin-run-the-hedge, goosegrass (galium aparine) |
lus na Frainge (common) tansy, golden/bitter buttons (tanacetum vulgare) |
lus mhic (an) rìgh Bhreatainn fir.
wild/creeping thyme (thymus serpyllum) |
slàn-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
any medicinal herb (esp. ribwort plantain (plantago lanceolata), self-heal (prunella vulgaris), or garden/common sage (salvia officinalis)) |
lus teanga an daimh (small/annual) bugloss (anchusa arvensis) |
lus-monaidh fir. gin. -luis-mhonaidh, iol. -an-monaidh
garbh-lus fir. gin. -lusa, iol. -an
cleavers, clivers, catchweed, sticky weed/Willy, Robin-run-the-hedge, goosegrass (galium aparine) |
lus nan leac eyebright (euphrasia officinalis) |
snàth-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
tasselweed (genus ruppia) |
lus-riabhach fir. gin. -a-riabhaich, iol. -an-riabhach
marsh/European purple lousewort (pedicularis palustris) |
liath-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
mugwort, common wormwood (artemisia vulgaris) |
lus nan saighdearan ribwort/English/narrowleaf/buckhorn plantain (plantago lanceolata) |
lus a' bhainne common milkwort (polygala vulgaris) |
lus an rìgh thyme (genus thymus) |
blàth-lus fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
lus a' chrùbain field gentian (gentianella campestris) |
lus a' charracha-mheille wild liquorice, liquorice milkvetch (astragalus glycyphyllos) |
lus an òir corn marigold/daisy/gowan (chrysanthemum segetum/glebionis segetum) |
lus-buidhe fir. gin. luis-bhuidhe, iol. -an-buidhe
unspecific name for yellow plants (e.g. marigolds, rockets...) |
cruaidh-lus fir. gin. -luis, iol. -an
sneezewort (yarrow), sneezeweed, white tansy, wild/bastard/European pellitory, fair-maid-of-France (achillea ptarmica) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
lus -uis & -a, pl. -an, sm Herb, plant, weed, flower. |
lùs -ùis, sm see lùths. |
lùs vn Teem, abound. |
crom-lus -uis, -an, sm Poppy. |
dath -a, -an [& -aithean,] sm Colour, stain, dye, tincture. 2 Colouring, appearance. Cha luidh...an còrr |
eàrr-thalmhainn § sf Yarrow, see lus chasgadh na fola. |
lus an t-saoidh sm Fennel, (lit. hay-weed) — foeniculum vulgare. ...an còrr |
L luis, the quicken tree. The tenth letter of the Gaelic alphabet now in use. When it is preced...an còrr |
lus a' chalmain § sm Columbine — aquilegia vulgaris. ...an còrr |
coireaman § -ain, sm Coriander, see lus a' choire. |
glas-lus sm Woad, see guirmean. |
liath-lus § -luis, -an, sm Mugwort — artemesia vulgaris. |
lus-garbh sm Goose-grass — ‡‡ gallium aparine. |
lus leth an t-samhraidh sm Wallflower, gillyflower, July flower (lit. Midsummer plant) — erysimum cheiri. ...an còrr |
lus mhic rìgh Bhreatainn sm Wild-thyme, brother-wort — thymus serpyllum. ...an còrr |
lus na Frainge sm Common tansy, buttons — tanacetum vulgare. ...an còrr |
lus na nathrach sm Viper's bugloss — echium vulgare. ...an còrr |
lus na tùise § sm Common lavender — lavandula angustifolia. |
rinn an ruisg -ean nan rosg, sf Apple or pupil of the eye. 2 Eyebright (euphrasia officinalis), see ...an còrr |
sionn § sm Foxglove (digitalis purpurea), see lus nam ban-sìth. 2(AC) Light, brightness...an còrr |
slàn-lus -luis, -an, sm Ribwort plantain (plantago lanceolata). 2** Any medicinal herb. 3§ Self...an còrr |
trus pr pt a' trusadh, va Truss, tuck up, gird. 2 Bundle together. 3 Collect, as sheep. 4**...an còrr |
iadh-lus § sm Small bindweed — convolvolus arvensis. |
lus a' chadail sm Poppy. |
lus an t-slànachaidh § sm Ribwort, see slàn-lus. |