Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
mùch /muːx/ gn. ag. -adh
1 extinguish! 2 quell, stifle! 3 choke, smother, strangle, suffocate, throttle! 4 quash, repress, suppress! 5 mute! (in computing) 6 smother, charge down! (in rugby) |
chan eil iad a' bodraigeadh móran ris they don't bother with it much |
dé na tha iad? how much are they/do they cost? |
féilleil /feːLʲal/ bua. coi. -e
1 desirable, much sought after 2 marketable |
an t-ainm gun an tairbhe 1 much cry, little wool, a nominal amount (fig.) 2 undeserved fame/reputation (fig.) |
tòrr /tɔːR ~ tɔRən/ fir. gin. torra, iol. torran
1 heap, mass, mound, pile 2 tip 3 a lot, much 4 loose pile of peats on the peat bank/hag 5 small and/or temporary stack/rick (approx. 20 stooks, may have some form of thatch on top) |
lìon cho làn 's a stobhadh e fill it to the brim, put as much in as it will hold! |
tuilleadh is cus 1 too much 2 going over the top |
tuilleadh 's a chòir 1 more than enough 2 too much |
cha bhi an dà chabhag orm I won't be in the least hurry/much of a hurry |
chan eil uimhir 's a chleachd not as many/much as there used to (be) |
uimhir /ɯvɪrʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 quantity, amount 2 number 3 so much/many 4 as much/many |
fada cus way too much, far too much |
uireas /urʲəs/ fir. gin. -eis
1 number, quantity 2 (so/as) much/many 3 times (in mathematics) |
uiread /urʲəd/ fir. gin. -eid, iol. -an
1 number, quantity 2 (so/as) much/many 3 times (in mathematics) |
gruagach /gruəgəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
1 hair-like, pertaining to hair 2 hairy, having much hair |
iomad /iməd/ fir. gin. -aid, iol. -an
1 abundance 2 multiple 3 much 3 many, numerous |
stocach /sdɔxgəx/ bua. coi. -aiche
1 stocky 2 pertaining to or abounding in stocks 3 pertaining to or abounding in tree trunks 4 possessing much livestock |
gabh a cheart-uiread ùine 's thug thu roimhe take as much time as you did before! |
móran /moːran/ fir. gin. -ain
1 a lot, many (followed by the gen. pl.) 2 a great deal of, much 3 multitude |
chan eil cus agam mu Chalum I don't care for Calum much |
tha cearc an aon isein cho trang ri cearc an dusain doing one is just as much work as doing a dozen (fig.) |
dé cho fad 's a tha d' anail? how long does your breath last, how much breath have you got? |
's iomadh rud buidhe nach òr, 's iomadh rud òir bu chòir dhut a sheachnadh not all that glitters is gold and much that is gold should be avoided |
cha toigh leam Calum cus I don't much like Calum, I don't like Calum much |
Toraidhean Dwelly
mùch va Quench, extinguish. 2 Smother, suffocate. 3 Press upon, squeeze together. 4 Quell, pacify....an còrr |
much † -a, sm Grief, affliction. 2 Smoke. |
much (AC) see moch. |
móran -ain, sm coll. Great number, multitude, many. 2 Much, great quantity. Tha móran aca ag ràdh, ...an còrr |
geal gile, a. White. 2* Fond of. 3 Clear, bright, radiant, glistening. 4†† Pure. Chan eil e geal d...an còrr |
togail gen -e & togalach, pl toglaichean, sf Lifting, act of lifting. 2 Building, ...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
airson prep For, on account of. 2 By reason of. 3 Instead of. [Governs the Genitive case]. Air a son...an còrr |
amharas -ais, sm Suspicion, doubt, distrust. 2 Jealousy. Is mór m' amharas, I very much suspect;...an còrr |
anabarrach -aiche, a Exceeding, excessive. 2 Redundant, superfluous. 3 Desperate, indispensable. 4** Sho...an còrr |
géill pr pt a' géilleachdainn, a' géilleadh, & a' géilltinn, vn Yield, submit, cede. 2 S...an còrr |
aois -e, sf Age. 2 Old age. 3 Antiquity. Dé an aois a tha thu? what is your age? is mairg a...an còrr |
gille -an, sm Boy, lad, youth. 2 Man-servant. 3 Ploughman. 4 Bachelor — Arran. [Gille ...an còrr |
bagrach a Threatening, menacious, prone to threaten. 2** Imminent. Is i an Aoine bhagrach a nì an Sat...an còrr |
glac glaice, -an, sf Hollow valley, defile, narrow valley. 2 Hollow of the hand. 3 Bosom. 4 Embrac...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
bàthadh -aidh, sm Drowning. 2 Quenching, slaking. 3 Smothering. 4‡‡ Faint, swoon. A' bà...an còrr |
Bealltainn -e, sf May-day, first day of May. On the first of May was held a great druidical festival in ...an còrr |
beartach -aiche, a Rich, wealthy. 2 Of, or belonging to, a machine. 3** Sheathed. 4** Like a sheath or...an còrr |
breacan an fhéilidh sm Belted plaid. This is the original garb of the Highlanders and formed the chief part of th...an còrr |
breugach -aiche, a. Lying, false, deceitful. 2** Flattering, cajoling, soothing. 3** Deceived. Is breu...an còrr |
tuaiream -eim, -an, sf Guess, conjecture, random, venture. 2 Quantity, number. 3 Aim, design. 4 Sense,...an còrr |
bruidheann gen sing, -inn & bruidhne, sf Talk, speech, conversation. 2 Quarrel. 3 Report. 4...an còrr |
buileachadh -aidh, sm Bestowing, giving. 2 Assignment. 3 Improving. 4 Finishing completely. 5** Presentat...an còrr |
greadhnachas -ais, sm Joy, festivity, sociality, conviviality. 2 Pomp, august appearance, solemnity, parad...an còrr |