Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
mùchadh /muːxəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) extinguishing 2 (act of) quelling, stifling 3 (act of) choking, smothering, strangling, suffocating, throttling 4 suffocation 5 (act of) quashing, repressing, suppressing 6 suppression 7 (with def. art.) asthma 8 (act of) smothering, charging down (in rugby) |
mùch /muːx/ gn. ag. -adh
1 extinguish! 2 quell, stifle! 3 choke, smother, strangle, suffocate, throttle! 4 quash, repress, suppress! 5 mute! (in computing) 6 smother, charge down! (in rugby) |
tha am mùchadh ann an Calum Calum has asthma |
Bile an Taigheadais Shòisealta (Siostaman Mùchadh Teine Féin-obrachail) Social Housing (Automatic Fire Suppression Systems) Bill |
Toraidhean Dwelly
mùchadh -aidh, sm Act of quenching or extinguishing. 2 Smothering, suffocating, act of suffocating. 3...an còrr |
smùchadh -aidh, sm Sneezing. 2 Snivelling. 3 see mùchadh. A' smùchadh, pr pt of smùch. |