Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ma /ma/ nsg. neo-ath.
1 if, in case 2 if/even so, even though 3 (when echoing a preceding verb) when, once that (e.g. Fhuair ...., ma fhuair, ...) |
ma-thà /maˈhaː/ nsg.
1 then, therefore 2 well, ... (with positive statements) |
ma-tà /maˈtaː/ nsg.
mas fhìor /ma ʃiər/ 1 allegedly, reputedly 2 (excl.) as if, yeah right! |
ma dh'fhaoidte /maˈɣɯːdʲə/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
ma rinn thu an dàrna cuid, faodaidh tu an rud eile a dhèanamh if you did that, you might as well do the other thing |
ma thogair! I couldn't care less! |
mu làimh 1 so-so, nothing spectacular 2 indifferent |
ma tha e an dàn do Mhàiri if Màiri is destined to, if it is Màiri's fate |
mu seach /mə ʃɛx/ co-ghn.
1 one by one, alternately 2 alternatively, in turn |
gille-mu-lunn /gʲiLʲə mə LũːN/ fir. neo-ath.
dead man's rope, sea lace (chorda filum) |
mun cuairt /məŋˈguəRʃdʲ/ roi. gin.
1 about, around 2 about, concerning (dialects south of Tiree) |
ma tha sin an dàn if that is ordained/fated |
ma b' fhìor false, fake, as if true, putting on |
ma tha thu san Òban, dèan mar an t-Òban when in Rome, do as the Romans do (fig.) |
's mairg dhut ma… pity if you… |
measar an t-amadan glic ma chumas e a theanga speech is silver, silence is golden |
coma ma ceàrr couldn't care less |
ma tha do sheanchas fìor… if your news is true… |
ma chumas tu rud seachd bliadhna, nì thu feum dheth keep a thing seven years and you'll always find a use for it |
briog air "Ceart ma-thà" click (on) OK! |
ma thogair! I couldn't care less, who cares! |
ma thogras tu fhéin if you feel inclined |
ma 's math mo chuimhne if memory serves me well, if I remember rightly |
ma dh'fhaodas mi /ma ɣɯːdəs mi/ if it is in my power |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ma conj. If. Mas àill le neach sam bith tighinn 'nam dhéidh-sa, if any man will come after me...an còrr |
ma † prep. for mu. |
ma † sm Breach. |
sgat -ait, -an, sf Skate (fish). [sm **] Tha a' mheòir an déidh na sgait, his fingers ar...an còrr |
silteach -ich, -ichean, sf Issue, discharge. 2 pl. Scrofula. 3** Flowers. 4** Person afflicted ...an còrr |
a làthair adv Present, at hand. 2 In existence, alive. Tha e a làthair, he is present, he is ...an còrr |
a-nis adv Now, at this time. Dèan a-nis e, do it now; a-nis ma-tà, now then. |
aontaich pr pt ag aontachadh, vn Consent, agree, accede, acquiesce, admit, yield. 2** Abet, tak...an còrr |
barrachd sf Superiority, pre-eminence. 2 Advantage, mastery. 3 Overplus. B' iongantach do ghràdh dhomh...an còrr |
bàs -àis, sm Death. 2** Destruction. Is e rìgh nan uamhas am bàs, death is the king of ...an còrr |
beir v irr Take hold. 2 Bring forth, bear, produce. 3 Get out of sight with. 4*† Give. 5** Overtak...an còrr |
beò a Alive, living. 2 Quick, lively, sprightly. Am beò e? is he alive? tha e gu math beò,...an còrr |
beulaibh †† sm Front, foreside. 2 Presence. Beulaibh an taighe, the front of the hous...an còrr |
sìn pr pt a' sìneadh, va Stretch. 2 Increase in length, stretch out. 3 Hand, reach anythin...an còrr |
faic irreg. v See, look, behold. 2* Observe. 3(CR) Show — W. of Ross. Active Voice:...an còrr |
spéis -e, sf Liking, regard, attachment, endearment, affection, fondness, esteem. Thoir spéis, b...an còrr |
breug pr pt a' breugadh, va Soothe, amuse. 2 Flatter. 3 Pacify. 4 Cajole. 6 Entice. Breug am...an còrr |
buaidh -e, n. pl. -ean -dheanan sf Victory, conquest, success. Thugadh buaidh 'nam fhi...an còrr |
ceil pr pt a' cleith [a' ceileadh, a' ceilteadh, a' ceilteachadh, & a' ceiltinn,] va Co...an còrr |
céir -e, sf Wax. 2 Wax candle. 3 Buttock. Mar leaghas teine céir, as fire melts wax; coinne...an còrr |
chluinnear fut. subj. pass. of cluinn. (Ma) chluinnear mi, (if) I be heard. |
clì clìthe, a Left-handed, left. 2 Awkward. 3 Slow, feeble. 4 Humble, 5** Strong. 6‡...an còrr |
cluinn irreg. v Hear, hearken, listen, attend to. Active Voice: IND past chual...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
crann [-ainn &] -oinn sm Plough. 2 Bar, bolt. 3 Tree. 4 Beam. 5 Mast. 6 Shaft. 7 Lot. 8 Measure...an còrr |