Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
mac gen & pl. mic, dat. pl. macaibh. sm Son. 2 The young of any animal. ...an còrr |
mac † a. Clear, pure, clean. |
mac † va Bear, carry. |
asal -ail, sf Ass. A' marcachd air asail, riding on an ass, mac na h-asail, a donkey col...an còrr |
beir v irr Take hold. 2 Bring forth, bear, produce. 3 Get out of sight with. 4*† Give. 5** Overtak...an còrr |
mac-meanmna sm Fancy, imagination, conceit. |
mac-meanmnach -aiche, a. Imaginative, fanciful. |
caraid dat. caraid, pl. càirdean, sm Male friend or relation. 2** Cousin. Mo dheagh ch...an còrr |
mac-peathar sm Sister's son, nephew. |
ceap cip, pl. cip, ceapa & ceapan, sm Block. 2 Shoemaker's last. 3 Top, as of a hill. 4...an còrr |
mac-samhladh ** -aidh, sm Equal. 2 Equivalent. 3 Fellow, match. |
mac-samhail sm Likeness, sameness, similitude. 2 Emblem. |
mac-talla sm Echo. (lit. son of the rock), also mac-talla nan creag. |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
mac-tìre (AC) sf [** m]. Wolf. |
aon aoin, a One. 2 Alone. 3 Same. 4 Only. 5 Ace. [Aspirates noun following except one beginning w...an còrr |
cuid irreg. sf Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
màthaireil -e, a. Motherly, like a mother, tender, kind. Mac màthaireil, a son like his mother. |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
oighre -achan, sm Heir, heiress. Beiridh bean mac ach 's e Dia a nì oighre, a woman may bear a so...an còrr |
mac-bràthar sm Nephew, Brother's son. |
gnìomh pl. -a, -mhtharra, -an, -annan & -mharan, sm Deed, action. 2 Office. 3 The 7t...an còrr |
òrdag -aig, -an, sf Thumb. 2 Great toe. Air òrdaig an làimhe deise, on the thumb of their...an còrr |
gu prep. To, towards. Cuiridh mi litir thugad, I will send a letter to you; thuige is bhu...an còrr |
praiseach -eich, -eichean, sf Pot. 2 Crucible. 3 Broth. 4 Pottage, gruel. 5 see prasach. 5(DC) Corn-bin...an còrr |