Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
mall /mauL/ bua. coi. maille
1 slow, deliberate 2 placid |
mall /mauL/ fir. neo-ath.
mall /mauL/ fir. gin. -a
1 delay 2 procrastination |
mall-chasach bua. coi. -aiche
mall-rosgach bua. coi. -aiche
calm-eyed, pertaining to or having calm eyes |
ruigidh each mall muileann slow and steady does it, slow and steady wins the race (fig.) |
mall-lànach bua. coi. -aiche
slow-filling, filling slowly |
mall-cheum fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
màla /maːLə/ boir. iol. -n
1 sack, satchel, scrip 2 bag (of a bagpipe) |
mallachd /maLəxg/ boir. iol. -an
1 (act of) cursing, swearing, execrating 2 curse, imprecation, malediction |
cha dèan aithreachas mall bonn feuma late regret is no use at all (fig.) |
mall-triallach fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
mall-mhuir fir. gin. -mhara, iol. -mharannan
mall-triallach bua. coi. -aiche
is mall a mharcaicheas am fear a bheachdaicheas /əm fɛr ə vaRxgɪçəs əm fɛr ə vɛxgɪçəs/ he who slows down observes (more) (fig.) |
luath no mall 1 fast or slow 2 sooner or later |
ruigidh each mall muileann ach cha ruig each a bhristeas a chnàmhan sin slow and steady does it but a headlong rush might never get there (fig.) |
thig gu mall come to evil! |
mall' air a' chòmhlan /maL ɛrʲ ə xɔːLan/ curse them! |
ruigidh each mall muileann ach cha ruig ma bhriseas a chnàmhan slow and steady does it but a headlong rush might never get there (fig.) |
ròs-mall fir. gin. ròis-mhaill, iol. -an-malla
(common) hollyhock (alcea rosea) |
guth mall slow voice |
mall-cheumach bua. coi. -aiche
mall-bhriathrach bua. coi. -aiche
ruigidh each mall muileann ach cha ruig fear a bhriseas a chas slow and steady does it but a headlong rush might never get there (fig.) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
mall -aille, a. Slow, moving slowly. 2 Lazy. 3 Not forward. 4 Calm, placid. 5 Tardy, late. 6 Weak,...an còrr |
mall † ** a. Bad. |
mall sm see mathalt, 1. |
DihAoine sm Friday. DihAoine gu fàs 's DiMàirt gu buain, ach obair a thòisicheas DiLuain bidh i luath ...an còrr |
òrd ùird, pl. òrdan & ùird, [ùird in Gairloch &c] sm Hammer. 2 Dog-head of ...an còrr |
mall-bhriathach -aiche, a. Hesitating, slow of speech. 2 Drawling in speech 2 Not fluent in language. 4 Havin...an còrr |
is pres. ind v def. & irreg. Thus conjugated: IND pres is mi, I am; ...an còrr |
gabh pr pt a' gabhail, va & n. Some idiomatic connections of gabh grouped under ...an còrr |
Màrt -àirt, sm Month of March. 2 Tuesday. 3 Time suitable for agricultural work. 4* Busiest time a...an còrr |
eagmin † -ean, sm Winding, circuit, meander. Eagmin mall, a slow meander, winding of a riv...an còrr |
farachaidh-chnocaidh sf Mall, stone for grinding barley — Arran. |
lachan nan damh § sm Jointed rush, wood mall reed — juncus articulatus. |
maille comp of mall. |
mall-bheurlach -aiche, a. see mall-bhriathrach. |
mall-bhriathachas -ais, sm Slowness of speech. |
mall-bhriathrachd sf Slowness of speech. |
mall-cheumach -aiche, a. Slow, that walks slowly, having a feeble gait. 2‡‡ Gradual. |
mall-cheumnaich ‡‡ va Jog. |
mall-chodach ** sm One who sups late. |
mall-chreideach -eiche, a. Incredulous. |
mall-imich see mall-cheumnaich. |
mall-mhuir ** sf Neap-tide. |
mall-phunc sm Semi-breve, in music. |
mall-shiùbhlach a. Loitering. |
mall-shluagh * see mal-shluagh. |