Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
maoth maoithe, a. Soft, tender, delicate. 2 Young, of tender age. 3 Effeminate, of delicate constit...an còrr |
maoth a. see maothaich. |
laodhan ‡ -ain, sm Heart of a tree. 2 Pith of wood. 3 Pulp, as of potatoes, wood, &c. 4** ...an còrr |
lusrach -aich, sm Herbage. 2* Place well supplied with herbs. Is maoth lusrach an t-sléibhe a' searga...an còrr |
cuigeal an losgainn § sf Early orchis, see maoth-ùrach. |
mao-bhlasta see maoth-bhlasta. |
maodh -oidhe, a. see maoth. |
maoithe comp of maoth. |
maoth-bhlas -ais, sm Mild taste. 2 Sweet taste or flavour. |
maoth-bhlasta a. Sweet-tasted, mild-tasted, pleasant to the taste. Snothach maoth-bhlasta, the sweet-tas...an còrr |
maoth-bhlastachd sf ind Pleasantness of taste or flavour. |
maoth-bhlàth -a, -an, sm Soft or tender blossom or twig. |
maoth-bhlàth -àithe, a. see meagh-bhlàth. |
maoth-bhlàthan see meagh-bhlàth. |
maoth-bhlàthas -ais, see meagh-bhlàthas. |
maoth-bhos -ois, -an, sf Soft or smooth palm of the hand. Do mhaoth-bhos a bu ghrinne, your soft palm...an còrr |
maoth-bhosach -aiche, a. Having soft or smooth palms. |
maoth-bhuidhe a. Softly or delicately yellow. |
maoth-chaidreamh sm Indulgence. |
maoth-chlòimh sf Soft down or wool. Leahbaidh mhaoth-chlòimh, a bed of soft wool. |
maoth-chnàimh sm Cartilage. |
maoth-dhèanadach -aiche, a. Lenitive. |
maoth-lus -luis, an, sm Tender herb or flower. 2** Grass. Mar mhaoth-lus fàsaidh tu, like a tender h...an còrr |
maoth-lusach -aiche, a. Abounding in soft or delicate herbs. |
maoth-lusrach see maoth-lusach. |