Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
mun cuairt /məŋˈguəRʃdʲ/
roi. gin.
1 about, around 2 about, concerning (dialects south of Tiree)
siab mun cuairt
coltach ri eachan Mhàiri ribeach, daonnan a' dol mun cuairt
someone who is always busy, a real busy bee (fig.)
a' chuairt mun cuairt
the circumference
thoir an tàidh mun cuairt
take the tye around the mast!
thoir am bloca mun cuairt
shift the (halyard) block to the other side!
naidheachd mun cuairt air
news about it
cuir bàta mun cuairt
turn a boat around! (i.e. upside down)
cuir mun cuairt
1 rotate, turn! 2 stir! 3 circulate!
cuir mun cuairt e
stir it around!
tha e a' dol mun cuairt 'na ghlòir-theine
he is running round like a blue arsed fly (fig.)
a' geibeil mun cuairt
glancing around
ruideil mun cuairt
scurry about!
mun cuairt air nuair a…
about the time that…
mun cuairt do shia bliadhna
about six years
chaidh foirm mun cuairt gun…
word got round that…
chaidh a' chuibhle mun cuairt
the wheel has turned full circle
mun cuairt an fheasgair
about/around evening
staidhre mun cuairt
winding stairs
tha Calum a' giofalais mun cuairt sa chidsin
Calum is fiddling about in the kitchen
na bi ag eunadaireachd mun cuairt
don't go snooping around
an dòigh eile mun cuairt Listen
the other way round
cuir mun cuairt Calum
upset Calum!
mun cuairt i!
(bring her) about!
mun cuairt de bhliadhna
about/approximately a year
Toraidhean Dwelly
mun cuairt
prep. Around, about. Mun cuairt dhomh, about me, around me; mu còrr
cuir, sm Twist, bend, turn. 2 Winding, meandering, as of a stream. 3 Trick, fraud. 4 Way, còrr
pr pt a' ceumadh, va Step, measure by steps, pace. 2 Move step by step. Cheum e gu mó còrr
-e, -ean, sf Circle, circuit, cycle, zone, circumference. 2 Circulation. 3 Bound. 4 còrr
(mun) adv Round, around. 2 About. Chaidh an t-slige mun cuairt, the shell went round.
irreg. sf Declined thus:— còrr
-ùithe, a Near, close to, close. 2 Thickly set, dense, tight, confined. 3 Quick. 4** còrr
pr pt a' gabhail, va & n.
Some idiomatic connections of
gabh grouped under còrr
prep. About, around. 2 Of. concerning. 3 On account of, for. Mun cuairt, about, round còrr
pr pt a' teireachdainn, va & n. Fail, be spent, be exhausted. 2 Wear out, spend, còrr
-a, -an, sf Scratch, track, mark, line, scrape. 2 Furrow, as of a plough. 3 Cart-rut. 4 Trip, còrr
sm ind Accession. 2 Arrival, coming, act of coming, approach, approaching. A' teachd, pr còrr
(AF) sm Sea animalcules. 2(MMcL) Gaseous light. Chunuaic mi mun cuairt dhìom na coille-bì còrr
man cuairt
see mun cuairt.