Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
... na 's coireach ris Listen
... (that) which is causing it
tha e an geall nas fhiach e /ha ɛŋʲ gʲauL nə ʃiax ɛ/
everything he owns is at stake (fig.)
cha déid bòidhchead nas doimhne na an craiceann
beauty is only skin deep
pioc nas fheàrr
any/at all better
nas /nəs/
m.-fh. neo-ath.
more, -er (comparative particle e.g. greener, more appealing etc)
nas fheàrr na buille de bhata
better than a slap in the face (fig.)
a' dol nas fhaide a-mach buileach
going even further, going further still
dèan nas fheàrr
1 do better! 2 ameliorate, make better!
càil nas fheàrr?
any better?
nas lughaide 's cha mhothaide
maybe and maybe not
cha déid an sionnach nas fhaide na bheir a chasan e
I can't go on forever/indefinitely (fig.)
nas lugha na chaidh e ann
unless he went there
ceart nas leòr
right enough
nas fhaide air astar
further away
tha na h-oidhcheannan a' dol nas giorra
the nights are getting shorter
tha na làithean a' dol nas fhaide
the days are getting longer
beagan na bu tràithe
a little earlier (in the past)
nas aithghearra na an còrr
quicker than the rest
tha trì imrichean nas miosa na an teine
three moves are as bad as a fire, moving three times is as bad as a fire
cus nas fheàrr
a lot better
tha e a' gabhail nas lugha na am baraill
it holds less than the barrel
nas motha na sin
bigger/greater than that
tha e nas glice cruach-mhònadh a losgadh còmhla ri duine mus pòs thu e
don't marry a stranger (fig.)
ach nas motha na sin
but what's more
gabh neònachas nach eil e nas motha
grow/get curious about why it isn't bigger!