Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
nuair /Nuərʲ/ nsg. neo-ath.
cha do thàr e tuiteam nuair a… he had hardly fallen when… |
nuair a bhios am poball dall, nì an gille cam am ministear in the country/land of the blind, the one-eyed (man) is king (fig.) |
mun cuairt air nuair a… about the time that… |
nuair a bhios an deoch a-staigh, bidh a' chiall a-muigh when drink's in, wit/sense is out |
nuair a bhios a' chaora caol bidh am maorach reamhar beggars can't be choosers (fig.) |
nuair as teanna an taod, 's ann as dòcha e bristeadh don't push things to the limit, don't stretch it (fig.) |
nuair a thig ri duine, thig ris uile it never rains but pours (fig.) |
as t-earrach nuair bhios a' chaora caol 's am maorach reamhar beggars can't be choosers (fig.) |
tha tuaiream agam nuair a thilleas iad I have a hunch about when they'll be back |
dèan greadhnachas mór rithe nuair a thilleas i make a big fuss when she returns, put on a big do/bash when she comes back! |
nuair a bhios an sgadan mu thuath, bidh Donnchadh Ruadh mu dheas never in the right place at the right time, always in the wrong place at the wrong time (fig.) |
nuair a bha a' bhanais 'na seusar when the wedding was at its height |
bha mise gun bhreith nuair a bhàsaich e I hadn't been born yet when he died, he died before I was born |
… nuair a thogar air … when provoked |
nuair a thig thu 's tu a bhios ann I'll see you when I see you |
nuair a thig latha, thig comhairle it will be alright, things will work themselves out (fig.) |
ma bhios a' bhochdainn againn, bidh an t-socair againn, mar a thuirt Cailean Dhonnchaidh nuair a leig e bàs leis a' bhó at least we won't have anything to worry about anymore (fig.) |
dèan maorach nuair a bhios an tràigh ann make hay while the sun shines (fig.) |
's math an sgadan nuair nach fhaighte a' chuiteag beggars can't be choosers (fig.) |
gheibh sibh ur cruaidh-fhortan o ur màthair nuair a thilleas i you will be in so much trouble/you're going to get it when your mother comes home (fig.) |
bhirtich Seumas nuair a fhuair e deoch James perked up when he got a drink |
nuair a shaoil leat gun… when you thought that… |
an uair sin /əN uəRʃɪn/ co-ghn.
buain am maorach nuair a tha an tràigh ann make hay while the sun shines (fig.) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
nuair adv (an uair) When, at the time, seeing that, (lit. the hour). |
a rel pron, gen & dat Who, which, whom, that, what. Gach gaisgeach a b' aosta...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
ladhar -air & -dhra, pl. -dhran, sm [f. in Badenoch]. Hoof. 2 Toe. 3 Claw. 4 Prong...an còrr |
aois -e, sf Age. 2 Old age. 3 Antiquity. Dé an aois a tha thu? what is your age? is mairg a...an còrr |
àth àtha, pl -an, & -annan, sf Kiln. Nuair a bha sinn san àth le chéile, when we we...an còrr |
meas pr pt a' measadh & a' meas, va & n. Consider, think, judge, suppose. 2 Attribu...an còrr |
beir v irr Take hold. 2 Bring forth, bear, produce. 3 Get out of sight with. 4*† Give. 5** Overtak...an còrr |
bharr prep (formerly de bhàrr) From, from off. 2 Down from. Bharr aghaidh na talmhainn, from th...an còrr |
blais pr. part, a' blasad [& a' blasadh, ††] va Taste, try by the mouth. 2...an còrr |
mu prep. About, around. 2 Of. concerning. 3 On account of, for. Mun cuairt, about, round abou...an còrr |
brèagh -a, a. Fine. 2 Well-dressed. 3 Splendid. 4 Good-looking. 5 Pretty. 6 Beautiful. 7 Surprising....an còrr |
buair pr pt a' buaireadh. va Tempt, allure. 2 Provoke, vex, annoy. 3 Disturb, distract. 4 Ma...an còrr |
càil -e, -tean, sf Disposition, temper. 2 Quality, property, condition. 3 Life. 4 Strength. 5 Sens...an còrr |
neoni sf ind Nothing, nonentity. 2 Chaos. 3 Trifle. 4* Ninny. Thig iad gu neoni, they shall come...an còrr |
ceannach -aich, sm Hire, price, wages. 2 Purchase, purchasing, buying. 3** Bargain. 4 Reward. 5 Bribe....an còrr |
partan -ain, -an, sm Small edible sea-crab of a black colour and 3 or 4 in. long and 2 or 3 in. broa...an còrr |
cha negative particle, Not. [Cha aspirates the fut. neg of a verb, also the initial...an còrr |
teirig pr pt a' teireachdainn, va & n. Fail, be spent, be exhausted. 2 Wear out, spend, e...an còrr |
sìde -e, sf Weather, good or bad. 2 Abatement of a storm. 3 Abatement of rage, pacification...an còrr |
coilleag -eig, -an, sf Cockle. 2 Smart stroke. 3 Potato sprout. 4 Rural song. 5 Loud and cheerful note...an còrr |
coinneal gen coinnle, pl. coinnlean, sf Candle. 2 Torch. 3(DC) Straight piece of wood on...an còrr |
cuid irreg. sf Declined thus:—
...an còrr |
taisich pr pt a' taiseachadh, va & n. Moisten, soften. 2 Dabble. 3 Bedrench. 4 Daunt. 5 Ma...an còrr |
do prep. To (i.e. unto). [Aspirates word following and governs the Dative case. It is often dh',...an còrr |