Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ogham /ɔɣəm/ fir. gin. -aim
ogham-chraobh fir. gin. -aim-chraobh
mac-ogham /maxg ɔɣəm/ fir. gin. -aim
(method for) divination of the gender of an unborn child |
bas-ogham fir. gin. -aim
(method of) divination using ogham sticks (akin to "fortune sticks") |
cas-ogham fir. gin. -aim
ogham fingerspelling (using the shin as the baseline) |
sròn-ogham fir. gin. -aim
ogham fingerspelling (using the nose as the baseline) |
fiodh /fjɤɣ/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 wood 2 timber 3 (in adj. usage) wooden, made of wood 4 a letter of the ogham alphabet |
ite /içdʲə/  boir. iol. -an
1 feather, plume 2 fin 3 overlap, clinker (of planks) 4 blade (of an oar) 5 the ette mark in Ogham (᚛ and ᚜), marking the start and finish of a line |
gall-ogham fir. gin. -aim
for-fhiodh fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
forfid letter ( pl. forfeda; i.e. one of the supplementary Ogham letters ᚕ ᚖ ᚗ ᚘ or ᚙ) |
feàrna /fjaːRNə/ boir. iol. -n
1 alder (genus alnus) 2 the letter F, ᚛ᚃ᚜ in Ogham |
ailm /alam/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 elm (genus ulmus) 2 the letter A, ᚛ᚐ᚜ in Ogham |
luis /Luʃ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 the letter L, ᚛ᚂ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) rowan (sorbus) |
nuin /NuNʲ/ boir. neo-ath.
1 the letter N, ᚛ᚅ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) ash (fraxinus) |
teine /tʲenə/ fir. neo-ath.
1 the letter T, ᚛ᚈ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) gorse, whin, furze (ulex) |
muin /muNʲ/ boir. neo-ath.
1 the letter M, ᚛ᚋ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) vine |
onn /ɔuN/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 the letter O, ᚛ᚋ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) gorse, whin, furze (ulex) |
ur /ur/ fir. gin. uir
1 letter U, ᚛ᚒ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) heather |
suil /sul/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 the letter S, ᚛ᚄ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) willow (salix) |
ceirt /kʲeRʃdʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 the letter representing /kw/ (᚛ᚊ᚜) in Ogham 2 ( archaic) crab/wild apple (malus) |
straif /sdrɛh/ boir. gin. -e
1 the letter Z ᚛ᚎ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) blackthorn, sloe (prunus) |
ngeadal /ŋʲgʲɛdəL/ fir. gin. -ail
1 the letter NG, ᚛ᚍ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) broom (cytisus) |
eadha /e.ə/ boir. neo-ath.
1 the letter E, ᚛ᚓ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) aspen (populus) |
iodh /jɤɣ/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -annan
1 the letter I, ᚛ᚔ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) yew tree (taxus baccata) |
peith /peh/ boir. gin. -e
the letter P, ᚛ᚚ᚜ in Ogham |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ogham † -aim, sm The occult manner of writing used by the ancient Gael; polygraphy. The ogham alpha...an còrr |
cleas sm Play, trick. Cleas a' chleiteam cleas an òigeam, the cunning occult tricks of the ogham...an còrr |
beith luis nuin † The Ogham Chraobh or old Gaelic alphabet. This is the Gaelic equivalent of the English expression ...an còrr |