Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
oir /ɔrʲ/  nsg.
because, for (followed by independent verb form) |
oir /ɔrʲ/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 edge, fringe, periphery 2 edge (in mathematics) 3 extremity 4 kerb 5 verge 6 brink, brim, border, margin, rim 7 lip |
oir /ɔrʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 the letter O, ᚛ᚋ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) gorse, whin, furze (ulex) |
oir /ɔrʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
(common/European) spindle (euonymus europaeus) |
òr /ɔːr/ fir. gin. òir
1 gold (Au) 2 (when used adjectivally in the genitive) golden |
oir-loidhne boir. iol. -nichean
oir-loidhnichear fir. gin. -eir, iol. -an
leth-oir /Lʲɛrʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
òirdheirc /ɔːrʲjerʲgʲ/ bua. coi. -e
1 famous, illustrious 2 excellent, superb 3 glorious |
òir-cheàrd fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -chiùird
oir an rathaid the edge of the road |
sùil-òir boir. gin. sùl-òir, iol. -ean-òir
bib, pout whiting, guildee (trisopterus luscus) |
tha iad as leth-oir a chéile they are side by side |
bàrr òir na ceilp a' cuairteachadh Eilean Ulbhaigh the golden crown of kelp around the Isle of Ulva |
's iomadh rud buidhe nach òr, 's iomadh rud òir bu chòir dhut a sheachnadh not all that glitters is gold and much that is gold should be avoided |
bonn-òir fir. gin. ⁊ iol. buinn-òir
fàinne òir ann an sròn muice polishing turds (fig.) |
slat-òir /sLahd ɔːrʲ/ boir. gin. slait-òir, iol. -an-òir
(European) goldenrod (solidago virgaurea) |
lus an òir corn marigold/daisy/gowan (chrysanthemum segetum/glebionis segetum) |
or /ɔr/ boir. gin. -a, iol. -thannan
incantation, (magical) prayer |
fiacaill-òir boir. gin. fiacla-òir, iol. fiaclan-òir
eisir-oir fir. iol. -ean-oir
European flat oyster, mud/edible oyster, Colchester native (ostrea edulis) |
clach-òir boir. gin. cloich-òir
leth-oir /Lʲɛrʲ/ co-ghn.
sideways, edgeways, edgewise |
cluaran-òir fir. gin. -ain-òir, iol. -an-òir
Carline thistle (carlina vulgaris) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
oir -e, -ean, sm Border, edge, margin, hem, selvedge, boundary, limit, coast. Oir an aodaich, ...an còrr |
oir conj. For, because that. Oir chuimhnich iad, for they remembered; oir is...an còrr |
oir † -e, -ean, sf Furze, whin, gorse (ulex europaeus). 2 Old Gaelic name for the letter O...an còrr |
oir † a. Fit, becoming, proper. |
oir § sf Spindle (euonymus europaeus). ...an còrr |
òir gen sing of òr. |
oir sm ind see ear. |
oir † prep. see air. |
oir v. Befit, become. |
pòr -òir, -an, sm Seed. 2 Grain, corn. 3 Crops generally (corn, potatoes, turnips &c). Ciamar...an còrr |
ad aide, pl adan, adachan, sf Hat. Ad a' bhile òir, the gold-rimmed hat; bile na h...an còrr |
pronn pr pt a' pronnadh, va Pound, bray, mash, bruise. 2** Grind, pulverize, mince. 3 Maul. ...an còrr |
seud pl. -an & seòid, sm Jewel, precious stone. 2 Darling. 3 Reward. 4* Thing, nothing....an còrr |
dol sm ind Going, travelling. 2 Proceeding. 3 Ways. 4 Walking. 5 Space, distance. 6* Condition, s...an còrr |
sgòr -òir, -an, sm Sharp, steep hill rising by itself or a little, steep, precipitous height on an...an còrr |
sgor -oir, -an, sm Mark, notch or cut, made by any sharp instrument. Sgor creige, a cleft in a ...an còrr |
slabhraidh -e [& slaibhre,] -aidhean, sf Chain. 2 Pot-hanger. 3(AF) Cattle, herds. Tinne na slabhrai...an còrr |
smal -ail, sm Dust, dust covering anything. 2 Obscurity, dimness, 3 Stain, blemish, spot. 4 Sorrow...an còrr |
bàsaich pr pt a' bàsachadh, vn Die (as an animal), perish. 2 Starve. 3 Wither, as a plant. 4 G...an còrr |
bathar -air, sm Wares, goods, merchandise. 2** Bale. 3** see bàrr. 4(CR) Whisky - Arran. 5(DC...an còrr |
iomall -aill, -an, sm Border, extremity, limit. 2 Suburbs of a town. 3 Fault. 4* Refuse, remainder. ...an còrr |
fiamh -a, sm Fear, awe, reverence, trepidation. 2 Hue, colour, aspect, tinge. 3 Chain. 4 Trace. 5 T...an còrr |
tì sm ind Any rational being. 2 He, him. 3 She, her. An Tì as àirde, the supreme Being; o...an còrr |
ceannachd sf ind Commerce, trade. 2 Merchandise. 3** Buying, purchase. Agus nì sibh ceannachd san tìr, ...an còrr |
tiomnadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Will, testament. 2 Bequeathing, act of bequeathing. 3 Commuting to anothe...an còrr |