Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
air /ɛrʲ ~ ɔrɔm ɔRʃd ɛrʲ ɔRə ɔːRNʲ ɔrʲɪv ɔRə/  roi. (air an; orm, ort, air, oirre, oirnn, oirbh, orra)
feumaidh mi togail orm I must get a move on |
thar /har/ roi. (tharam, tharad, thairis air, thairte, tharainn, tharaibh, tharta)
across, over (high register, usually periphrastic thairis orm/ort/air etc is used) |
tha an geamhradh a' tùirlingeadh oirnn winter is drawing in (on us) |
nan rachadh iad air dìochuimhne oirnn if we were to forget them |
thàinig an droch-uair oirnn we met with bad weather |
rug fras oirnn we were caught in a (rain) shower |
a bharrachd oirnn fhìn  compared to us |
dh'amais Màiri oirnn we chanced upon Màiri |
feumaidh sinn greasad oirnn! we have to hurry up/get a move on! |
gaoth an ceann oirnn wind against us |
ruith sinn oirnn /rih ʃiNʲ ɔːRNʲ/ we kept on running |
tha e mar fhiachaibh oirnn gluasad gu faiceallach it is incumbent upon us to act with discretion/carefully |
tha sin a dhìth oirnn that's what we are lacking |
thàinig fèath oirnn we were becalmed |
leigeamaid oirnn airson mionaid gur e fìor-phàipear a th' ann /legʲəmɪdʲ ɔRNʲ ɛRsɔn minadʲ gər ɛ fiər fɛːhpər ə hãũN/ let's pretend for a moment it's a real paper! |
anns na mìosan air thoiseach (oirnn) in the months ahead (of us) |
tha iad cho tapaidh oirnn they are so familiar with us |
tha na saighdearan a' feuchainn oirnn the soldiers are aiming for us |
tha an geamhradh a' tùirling oirnn winter is drawing in on us |
tha fròmh on phlanaid a' briseadh a-steach oirnn we're getting interference from the planet |
tha fear a dhìth oirnn mu choinneamh a h-uile aon a bh' againn roimhe we need one (i.e. to replace/match) for each/every one we had before |
rinn e aona-cheann air tadhal oirnn he concluded that he would visit us, he decided to visit us |
thuit an oidhche oirnn /huhdʲ əN ɤ̃ĩçə ɔːRNʲ/ night overtook us |
Toraidhean Dwelly
oirnn prep pron On us, upon us. 2 Owed by us. 3 Matter with us. Bheir e oirnn a dhèanamh, he wil...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
sgrios -a, -an, sm Destruction, ruin, annihilation. 2* Sweeping off a surface, scraping rind. 3* Stu...an còrr |
spàrr pr pt a' sparradh, va Drive, as a nail or a wedge. 2 Induce by force. 3 Fix, rivet, na...an còrr |
bann bainne [& boinne] pl bannan, banntan [& boinn,] (dat pl bannaibh & -taibh,...an còrr |
thig irr v Come. 2 (with prep do) Become, suit, fit, befit. 3 (with prep ris) Agree ...an còrr |
bròg -òige, brògan, sf Shoe. 2 Hoof 3 By a figure of speech, Foot. 4 Sorrow. 5(DU) Fish-roe...an còrr |
buail pr pt a' bualadh, va Strike, beat smite, thrash. 2 Thresh, as corn; beetle, a lint. 3 ...an còrr |
cianalas -ais, sm Melancholy, sorrow, sadness. 2 Mildness. 3 Dulness, pensiveness. 4** Wearisomeness. ...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
dol sm ind Going, travelling. 2 Proceeding. 3 Ways. 4 Walking. 5 Space, distance. 6* Condition, s...an còrr |
trom truime, sm Weight, any weight, bunion, load. 2 Encumbrance. 3 Difficulty. 4 Protection, charg...an còrr |
tuit pr pt a' tuiteam, vn Fall. 2 Happen, befall, chance. 3 Stumble, slip. 4 Subside. 5 Sin...an còrr |
fèath -a, -an, sm [f. in Argyll and some other parts]. Calm, tranquillity. 2 Learning...an còrr |
làn làin, sm Full, fulness, repletion. 2 The tide, flood tide. 3** Corpulence 4 rarely Chu...an còrr |
leag pr pt a' leagail & a' leagadh, va & n. Throw down. 2 Demolish. 3 Lay, lay down...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
seall pr pt a' sealltainn, va See, look, behold. 2(CR) Show —W. of Ross. Seall...an còrr |
laigh pr pt a' laighe, vn Lie, lie down, recline, couch. 2 Light, perch, settle, as a bird. ...an còrr |
seachad adv By, along, on, onward, forward. 2 Aside. 3 Out of the way. 4 Past. 5 Beyond, more. 6 Gone...an còrr |
ascall -aill, sm Loss. 2 Onset, attack. 3 Conference. 4 Flowing of the tide. 5 Mangling. 6 Personal ...an còrr |
bagairt sf Threat, threatening. 2 Denouncing. Cha déid plàst air bagairt, no plaster is applied to...an còrr |
boisceall -eill, a. Uncivilized. Thog thu oirnn gun robh sinn boisceall, you have reported of us tha...an còrr |
druideadh * -idh, sm Shutting, covering. 2 Act of shutting or covering. 3 Coming forward, approaching. ...an còrr |
fagas faisge, a Near, nigh. 2 Nearly related. Fagas orm, fagas dhomh, near me; am fad...an còrr |