Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
òr /ɔːr/ fir. gin. òir
1 gold (Au) 2 (when used adjectivally in the genitive) golden |
or /ɔr/ gn. ag. -adh
or /ɔr/ boir. gin. -a, iol. -thannan
incantation, (magical) prayer |
òr /ɔːr/ gn. ag. -adh
no /nɔ/  nsg.
1 or, otherwise 2 neither, nor (with a neg. verb) |
na /nə/ nsg. neo-ath.
ortha /ɔRə/  boir. iol. -chan
1 incantation, (magical) prayer 2 amulet |
o /ɔ/ roi. (on; uam, uat, uaidhe, uaipe, uainn, uaibh, uapa)
chan eil e ri fhaighinn ged a bheireadh tu an t-òr dearg air you couldn't afford it (fig.) |
taigh gun chù, gun leanabh beag, taigh gun sunnd gun ghàire a house without a dog or a small child is a house without cheer and happiness |
abair rium mun abair mi riut!  tell me or I'll tell you! |
airgead ann no ás  money or no money |
beatha na bàs life or death |
thoir crathadh no dhà air Calum give Calum a shake or two! |
òir-cheàrd fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -chiùird
bàrd /baːRd/ fir. gin. bàird, iol. -an
1 edge, margin 2 land at the edge of a river or loch 3 dyke, fence 4 enclosed land (e.g. a park or garrison) |
pab-cheannach bua. coi. -aiche
shaggy-headed, having or pertaining to matted hair
na rach an-sin no beiridh Màrtainn na Coirce ort! don't go there or the bogeyman will come and get you (fig.) |
a dh'olc no a dh'éiginn  by hook or by crook, one way or another (fig.) |
's iomadh rud buidhe nach òr, 's iomadh rud òir bu chòir dhut a sheachnadh not all that glitters is gold and much that is gold should be avoided |
oir /ɔrʲ/  nsg.
because, for (followed by independent verb form) |
falbh air gàmarran 1 hang about without aim or purpose! 2 harum-scarum behaviour |
tàrganach /taːrganəx/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
1 prophecy 2 something or someone that was prophesied |
air chor-eigin co-ghn.
air chor-eiginich co-ghn.
Toraidhean Dwelly
òr -òir, sm Gold. |
or sf see orra. |
òr pr pt ag òradh, va Bedeck. |
òr va Gild. |
or ora, pl. ora, orthachan, orrachan & orthannan, (AC) sf Prayer, rhymed prayer, hymn...an còrr |
or † sm see oir. 2 Mouth. 3 Voice. 4 Sound. |
truimead -eid, sm Degree of heaviness, faintness or dejectedness. A' dol an truimead, growin...an còrr |
tolladh -aidh, sm Boring, act of boring, piercing or perforating. 2 Digging of holes or pits. 3* Edgi...an còrr |
truaghan -ain, -an, sm Poor, distressed or wretched creature. 2 Object of pity. 3 Child of misfortune....an còrr |
taisbeanadh -aidh, sm Revealing, act of revealing, revelation, showing or disclosing. 2 Show, pageant. 3 ...an còrr |
toradh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Fruit, produce. 2** Fruitfulness. 3 Profit, advantage. 4 Consequence, eff...an còrr |
tuath -a, sf coll Tenantry, peasantry, laity, country people, husbandmen, aggregate number of any l...an còrr |
tlàth -àithe, a Mild, kind, tender, indulgent, merciful, meek. 2 Tranquil, gentle. 3 Mellow, sweet,...an còrr |
tiormachadh -aidh, sm Drying, act of drying or parching. 2 Seasoning, as hay, fish &c. 3* Fair weathe...an còrr |
tuinich pr pt a' tuineachadh, vn Sojourn, dwell, inhabit. 2 Frequent, resort to. 3* Gat...an còrr |
ùraich pr pt ag ùrachadh, va & n Renew. 2 Be renewed. 3 Refresh, recreate. 4 Become fresh...an còrr |
toileachas -ais, sm Contentment. 2** Alacrity. 3** Gladness, willingness. Toileachas-inntinn, mental ...an còrr |
tionnsgainn pr pt a' tionnsgnadh, va Devise, invent, contrive, plot. 2 Begin, commence, ground. 3 ...an còrr |
uaireadair -ean, sm Watch, timekeeper of any kind. Clag-uaireadair or uaireadair-cluig, ...an còrr |
treun (DU) sf Strength, the acme or pitch of strength. Ann an treun a neirt, in the fullness of ...an còrr |
ùrlar -air, -an, sm The lowest part. 2 Floor of a house. 3 Ground floor. 4 Earth. 5 Floor of earth ...an còrr |
taibhsearachd sf ind Second sight. 2* Bewildered conduct. [The following is from Armstrong]. At the sight o...an còrr |
talla -chan, sm Hall. 2** How. 3** Court. 4** Rock. 5** Cleft of a rock. 6** Tower. Talla nan sian,...an còrr |
teudag ‡‡ -aig, -an, sf dim of teud. Little string, cord or rope. 2 Small withe. |
taom -a, pl. -an & -annan, sm Plash {splash} of water or any fluid. 2 Jet, torrent. 3 O...an còrr |