Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
peall /pjauL ~ piLʲan/ fir. gin. pill, iol. pillean
1 shaggy hide/skin 2 mat 3 rough cloth/sheet 4 bunch of matted hair 5 tarp(aulin) |
peall /pjauL ~ pjaLəɣ/ gn. ag. -adh
Toraidhean Dwelly
peall pill, pl. -an & pillean, sm Hairy skin, hide. 2 Couch, pallet. 3 Veil, covering, c...an còrr |
peall va Cover. 2 Pull asunder, pluck, tear in pieces. 3 Clot, mat, as wool. 4 Teaze. |
peallag -aig, -an, sf dim of peall. Shaggy hide or skin. 2 Little bunch of hair. 3 Clout. 4 Little co...an còrr |
pealladh -aidh, sm Covering, act of covering. 2 Pulling, act of pulling or tearing asunder. 3 Clotting...an còrr |
pillean -ein, -an, sm Pack-saddle. 2 Cloth put under a pannel, cushion, pad. 3 Hassock. 4 pl. ...an còrr |