Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
puta /puhdə/ fir. iol. -ichean
put /puhd/  fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 shovelful, sod, spadeful (esp. of a cas-chrom) 2 bruised swelling 3 clutch (of a car) |
puta-lìn fir. iol. -ichean-lìn
puta-suaib fir. iol. -ichean-suaib
puta-sàis fir. iol. -ichean-sàis
underwater buoy connected to the head line (and floating just under the surface of the water) |
puta-earbaill fir. iol. -ichean-earbaill
puta-coin fir. iol. -ichean-coin
puta-meadhain fir. iol. -ichean-meadhain
puta-àrca fir. iol. -ichean-àrca
snaidhm-phuta boir. gin. -e-puta, iol. -ean-puta
puta-gloine fir. iol. -ichean-gloine
ròpa-puta fir. iol. -nnan-puta
puta-cainb fir. iol. -ichean-cainb
puta-craicinn fir. iol. -ichean-craicinn
aodann mar am puta a puffed up face |
claigeann puta base of a buoy (where the loop for the rope attaches) |
cho cruinn ri puta perfectly round, as round as a millstone (fig.) |
put /puhd/  fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
chick, young of a wild bird (esp. young grouse, pout) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
puta see pait. |
puta * sm Trout (salmo trutta) — North. 2 see put 1. |
puta-fuaraidh (CR) s. First sod or spadeful of a furrow in delving — W. of Ross-shire. |