Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
ràmh -àimh, -an, sm Oar. 2** Tree. 3** Branch. 4** Wood. Talamh nan ràmh, the coun...an còrr |
ramh § s. The family of plants known as rhamnaceae — individually rhamnus....an còrr |
ràmh ** va Row a boat. |
deich-ràmhach Kind of boat, see p78. [A certain man when ordering a boat said, “sia-ràmhach a dhion ochd-ràmhach, ...an còrr |
bac -a & -aic, pl. -an, sm Stop, hinderance, restraint, delay, interruption, im...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
iomair pr pt ag iomram, ag iomradh & ag iomairt, va Row, as a boat. Iomair am bàta, ro...an còrr |
m muin, the vine. The eleventh letter of the Gaelic alphabet now in use. When m has its ...an còrr |
àlach -aich, -an, sm Levy, set, tribe, crew. 2 Set or bank of oars. 3 Set of nails. 4 Activity. 5 A...an còrr |
breun-ubhal § sm Prickly buckthorn, see ramh-droighinn. |
cliath-ràmh pl. -an-ràmh, sf Set of oars. |
cogall -aill, sm Tares, the plant cockle. 2 Friction, rubbing. 3 see cochall. 4‡‡ Sawd...an còrr |
ràimh gen sing & npl. of ràmh. |
ràmhan npl of ràmh. |
ràmh-bràghad (AH) sf Forward, or pilot oar. |
ràmh-deiridh sm Stroke-oar. |
ràmh-dhroigheann § -inn, sm Prickly buckthorn (rhamnus catharticus). ...an còrr |
ràmh-gualainn sm Stroke-oar. 2(DMy)One of the foremost oars or oars nearest the bows. |
ràmh h-amar (DMy) sm One of the oars nearest the stern. |
ràmh-long -luing, -an, sf Galley, boat or vessel fitted for rowing, (long-ràmhach, see p.78). |