Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
réim /Reːm/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 power, authority 2 office (position) 3 regime 4 career |
réim /Reːm/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
réim /Reːm/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
rim (esp. of a driving or spinning wheel) |
caithream /karʲəm/ fir. gin. -eim, iol. -an
1 applause 2 acclamation, triumph 3 shout of triumph 4 note of triumph |
reum /Reːm/ fir. gin. -a
réim cuibhle wheel rim |
san réim chumanta in the vernacular |
ball de Chomunn na Gàidhlig tro réim ex-officio member of Comunn na Gàidhlig |
chuireadh Calum ann an réim phoileataigeach Calum got a political appointment |
cuir Calum á réim ré ùine suspend Calum, remove Calum from office temporarily! |
cuir ann an réim appoint (to office)! |
cur á réim removal from office |
fàg réim step down from office! |
gabh réim os làimh assume office! |
rach ann an réim take office! |
réim phoileataigeach political appointment |
tha Calum airidh air réim àrd Calum is worthy of high office |
tha Calum ann an réim Calum is in office |
tro réim ex-officio |
cuir á réim remove from office! |
An Réim ainm-àite
réim-chainnte boir. gin. -e-cainnte, iol. -ean-cainnte
register (in linguistics) |
ceòl-réim boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
ceòl-réim gn. ag. -eadh
reum-mara fir. gin. -a-mhara
sea/ocean/beach foam, spume |
Toraidhean Dwelly
réim -e, -ean, sf Power, authority, dominion, sway. 2 Way. 3 Progress, order. 4 An order. 5 Callin...an còrr |
réim Gaelic spelling of rheum. |
reim (CR) sf Wheel of a spinning-wheel. 2 Grooved rim of a spinning-wheel. 3 Rim of driving-wheel. |
cuidheall-shnìomha gen cuidhle-, sf Spinning-wheel. Parts of a spinning-wheel: 1 Tei...an còrr |
roth -a, -an, sm Wheel. 2** Rim of a wheel. 3 Halo. Tha roth mun ghealaich, there is ...an còrr |
aid-reim ** s Rant. |
cath-reim -e, sf see caithream. |
ceòl-réim va Modulate, play music. |
glòir-réim sm Pomp, triumph, pageantry. |
réim-bhriathar † -thran, sm Adverb. |