Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
réite /Reːhdʲə/ boir. iol. -an
1 settlement, agreement 2 accommodation, understanding 3 reconciliation, conciliation, resolution 4 settlement (in finance) 5 betrothal, engagement, wedding arrangement (ceremony of asking for a bride's hand in marriage) 6 level place |
neach-réite fir. iol. luchd-réite
cama-réite /kama reːhdʲə/ boir. neo-ath.
co-réite boir. neo-ath.
tha e a' dèanamh cama-réite he's making trouble |
rinn i cama-réite dhiubh she spoiled them, she made a mess of them |
réite eadraiginn interim settlement |
thig gu réite 1 reach a settlement! 2 come to an accommodation! |
breith-réite boir. iol. -ean-réite
mì-réite datha colour discord |
dèan réite air come to an agreement about it! |
thoir breith-réite arbitrate! |
Là na Réite Day of Reconciliation |
réite-chogaidh boir. iol. -an-cogaidh
ìobairt-réite boir. gin. -e-réite, iol. -ean-réite
mì-réite boir. neo-ath.
neo-réite boir. neo-ath.
air an t-slighe shleamhain a dh'ionnsaidh cama-réite sliding into chaos, on the slippery slope to chaos |
do-réite bua. neo-ath.
insoluble, unsolvable, irreconcilable |
réite eadar-amail interim settlement |
obair na réite the atonement |
ministrealachd na réite ministry of reconciliation |
Achadh Reite ainm-àite
New Deer/Auchreddie (Abers) |
Là Nàiseanta airson na Fìrinne 's na Réite National Day for Truth and Reconciliation |
coimisean na fìrinne 's na réite truth and reconciliation commission |
Toraidhean Dwelly
réite -ean, sf Concord, agreement, harmony, reconciliation. 2 Expiation, atonement. 3 Agreement, co...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
fear sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Ind...an còrr |
breith-réite sf Arbitration. |
comh-réite sf Agreement, reconciliation. |
deoch-réite ‡‡ sm Friendship bowl. |
réide see réite. |
réidhte see réite. |
réit see réite. |
réiteach -ich, -ichean, sm see réite. 2** Plain, any level place. |
soireit -e, sf Easiness of temper, accommodating, conciliatory disposition. (so-réite) |
so-réite sf Propitiation, expiation. |
coimhreit s see comh-réite. |