Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ri /rʲi ~ rʲuːm rʲuhd rʲiʃ rʲi.ə rɯiNʲ rɯiv ru.ə/  roi. (ris; rium, riut, ris, rithe, rinn, ribh, riutha)
1 against 2 busy with, engaged in 3 to 4 than |
rìs /Riːʃ/ fir. neo-ath.
a-rìs /əˈriːʃ/  co-ghn.
1 again, second time 2 later 3 then again, furthermore 4 encore! |
cho lag ris a' cheò as weak as a kitten (fig.) |
tha tì tuillidh 's còrdadh ris he is too fond of tea |
bha e a' prop ris fhéin  he was talking to himself |
cùm ris na h-aon fhaclan stick to your story! (fig.) |
cho luath ris a' bheithir as fast as lightning/the wind (fig.) |
ge be nach smachdaich làmh ris a' ghlùin, cha smachdaich làmh ris an uilinn you can't teach an old dog new tricks, a tree must be bent while it's young, betwixt 3 and 13 bend the twig while it's green (fig.) |
strì ri 1 fight/strive/struggle against, contend with! 2 compete/vie with! 3 strive to! |
cho righinn ris a' mhaide-phrop as tough as old boots (fig.) |
cho maireann ris a' ghrian as enduring as the mountains, as lasting as a mother's love (fig.) |
cho righinn ris a' bhìth as stubborn as a mule (fig.) |
ris a' ghaoth hard on the wind, close-hauled |
gabh nòisean ris take a liking to him! |
cho carach ris a' mhadadh-ruadh as cunning as a fox |
cuir stocaireachd ris give it laldie, give it (your) all, have a good bash at it! (fig.) |
cho grànnda ris a' pheacadh as ugly as sin |
éist ris a' mhuir ann an cnomhag ri do chluas listen to the sea in a shell! |
cho lom ris an deargann hard-hearted (fig.) |
dèan sodal ris flatter him! |
cho saillte ris a' mheireal as salty as the sea (fig.) |
tha an t-iasg a' cliathadh ris an tràigh the fish are churning up the sea near the beach |
chan eil e suas ri Calum ann an gliocas he wasn't as smart as Calum |
cho luath ris an teine-bhiorach as fast as lightning/the wind (fig.) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ris prep pron (ri + e) To him; with him; against him or it; equal to him or it. Cùm ris, do no...an còrr |
rìs sm ind Rice (oryza sativa). |
ris Form of the prep. ri used before the article, e.g. What is now written “ris an duine...an còrr |
rìs adv (i. e. a-rìs) see a-rithist. |
ris † -ean, sm King. |
ris † sf History. 2 Knowledge. 3 Cause, party. |
agh aighe, -ean, sf Heifer, young cow. 2 Hind, fawn. 3** rarely Ox, bull, cow. agh thrì bl...an còrr |
leisg -e, a. Lazy, indolent, slothful. 2 Loath, reluctant, unwilling. Duine leisg, an indolent m...an còrr |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
airson prep For, on account of. 2 By reason of. 3 Instead of. [Governs the Genitive case]. Air a son...an còrr |
meanbh -a, a. Little, small, diminutive. 2 Pulverized. 3 Pigmy. Lusan meanbh, little herbs; a...an còrr |
mòine gen mòna [& mòine, ] sf ind Moss, mossy place, morass, bog. 2 Peat, turf. Cruach m...an còrr |
mór 1st comp motha, 2nd comp mothaid, ...an còrr |
muigh adv Out, without, outside. 2 Superficially. A-muigh, on the outside; a chùm a-m...an còrr |
muinntir -e & -treach, sf coll. & sing People, men. 2 Inhabitants. 3 Parents. 4 Relation. 5 Fa...an còrr |
bàidh -e, sf Kindness, benignity, humanity, mercy. 2 Hospitality. 3 Affection, love, attachment, fo...an còrr |
bean pr pt a' beantainn [beanail, beantail & beanailt,] va & n Touch. 2 Handle. 3 M...an còrr |
bean sf Woman, female. 2 Wife. Thus declined, Indefinite....an còrr |
bharr prep (formerly de bhàrr) From, from off. 2 Down from. Bharr aghaidh na talmhainn, from th...an còrr |
neart neirt, sm Strength, power, might, energy, pith, force, vigour. 2 Plenty, abundance, many, num...an còrr |
peacadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Sin. Ris a' pheacadh, sinning. |
bó sf irreg. Cow. 2** rarely fawn. Declined thus: —...an còrr |
bòid -e, -ean, sf Vow, solemn promise. 2 Oath, swearing. Bòid ciaraig ris na fearaibh, is bòid nam...an còrr |
bi irreg v Be, exist. Conjugated thus: IND pres tha mi etc, I etc am. IND ...an còrr |
bruidhinn * pr pt a' bruidhinn, va Speak, say, talk. Bruidhinn ris, speak to him; bha mi ...an còrr |