Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ròs /Rɔːs/ gn. ag. -adh
ròs /Rɔːs/  fir. gin. ròis, iol. -an
Ròs /Rɔːs/ ainm pears. boir. gin. Ròis
ros /Rɔs/ gn. ag. -adh
1 shake off seed! 2 go wrong! |
Ros ainm pears. fir. gin. Rois
ros /Rɔs/ fir. gin. rois, iol. -an
1 peninsula, promontory 2 ( hist. and in certain compounds) wood, forest |
ros /Rɔs/ fir. gin. rois, iol. -an
ròs /Rɔːs/ fir. gin. ròis
An Ros Muileach  ainm-àite fir. gin. an Rois Mhuilich
fhuair mi ròs gun robh e air tilleadh I heard that he had returned, I got wind of him having returned |
cha robh ròs air sìon there was no sign of anything |
ròs-dhearg bua. coi. -dheirge
Ros an Ear ainm-àite
ros-eilean fir. gin. -ein, iol. -an
leabaidh-ròs boir. gin. leapa-ròis, iol. leapannan-ròs
fo-ros fir. gin. -rois
an ròs fir. gin. an ròis
ròs dearg san fheasgar red sky at night, shepherd's delight (fig.) |
ròs fiadhaich wild rose |
chan fhaca sinn ròs oirre we didn't see a sign of her |
faigh ròs air find him, track him down! |
ròs na maidne rosy colour of dawn |
ròs an t-solais round-leaved/common sundew (drosera rotundifolia) |
ròs-mall fir. gin. ròis-mhaill, iol. -an-malla
(common) hollyhock (alcea rosea) |
Ros Maircnidh ainm-àite
Toraidhean Dwelly
ròs -òis, -an, sm Rose. 2 Red or rose-like colour. 3 Erysipelas, St Anthony's fire [with t...an còrr |
ros -ois, -an, sm Seed. 2** Linseed. 3 Promontory. 4 Isthmus. 5 Peninsula. †6 rarely...an còrr |
ros pr pt a' rosadh, va & n. Shake off seed or grain from its stalk, as by wind in aut...an còrr |
ròs †† -a, -achan, s. see ròst. |
ros † a. Pleasant, pretty, delightful. |
cruadal -ail, sm Difficulty, distress, adversity, hardship, danger, trial. 2 Courage, bravery, valour...an còrr |
streap pr pt a' streap & a' streapadh, va & n. Climb, scale. 2 Labour with difficulty...an còrr |
coin-droighionn see ròs nan con. |
coin-ròs § sm Dog-rose, see ròs nan con. |
con-dris see coin-ròs. |
dealt-ruaidhe || sf Round-leaved sundew, see ròs an t-solais. |
drùchd na maidne § sm Round-leaved sundew, see ròs an t-solais. |
earradhris § -e, -ean, sf Dog-briar, see ròs nan con. |
earrdhris sf see ròs nan con. |
fearra-dhris § -e, -ean, sf Bramble-briar, dog-briar, dog-rose, see ròs nan con. |
fiadh-ròs -an, sm Wild rose. |
grian-ròs § -òis, -an, sm Rock rose — helianthemum vulgare. Badge of the Fergussons. ...an còrr |
it-ros ** sm Headland, promontory. |
lus an eàrnaich § sm Round-leaved sundew, see ròs an t-solais. |
lus na feàrnaich sm Sundew — drosera rotundifolia. Very common in Scottish Gaeldom, has little re...an còrr |
lus-ròs § sm The herb Robert — thymus polytrichus, see righeal-cùil. |
màr-ròs ** sm Rosemary — rosmarinus offcinalis. |
preas nan ròs sm Rosebush. |
preas nam mucag * sm Dog rose (rosa canina), see ròs nan con. |
rois see ros. |