Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
roth /Rɔh/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 wheel 2 halo 3 tirl, crown (in a mill i.e. bottom part of the shaft where the paddles are) |
rodh /Roː/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 water's edge 2 water mark (i.e. line indicating where water has reached) |
roth-gaoithe fir. gin. -a-ghaoithe, iol. -an-gaoithe
roth-uisge fir. iol. -an-uisge
roth-ullaige fir. iol. -an-ullaige
roth-mór fir. gin. -a-mhóir, iol. -an-móra
1 millwheel 2 ferris wheel |
bara-rotha fir. iol. -chan-rotha
roth-cartach fir. gin. -a-chartach, iol. -an-cartach
roth-muilinn fir. gin. -a-mhuilinn, iol. -an-muilinn
roth-fiaclach fir. gin. -a-fhiaclaich, iol. -an-fiaclach
roth air a' ghrian a halo around the sun |
Rionnag nan Roth Saturn (poetic) |
ràith dhorcha /Raːj ɣɔrɔxə/ period from the last quarter of the moon to the first quarter of the moon (when less than half of the moon is illuminated) |
air an rodh at the water mark |
roth-bhann fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
roth-uidheam fir. gin. -eim, iol. -an
roth-tomhais fir. gin. -a-tomhais, iol. -an-tomhais
roth-toisich fir. gin. -a-thoisich, iol. -an-toisich
roth-ghineadair /Rɔ ʝinədɪrʲ/ fir. iol. -ean
sloc roth-uisge wheel pit |
taigh roth-uisge water-wheel house |
's esan am piona a chumas an roth air an aiseal /s esən əm pinə ə xuməs ə Rɔh ɛrʲ əN aʃəL/ he is a linchpin (fig.) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
roth -a, -an, sm Wheel. 2** Rim of a wheel. 3 Halo. Tha roth mun ghealaich, there is ...an còrr |
roth va Wheel, coil, also rothaig. |
cairt cartach [& cairte; cairteach in Lewis] pl. cairtean, sf Bark. 2 Cart...an còrr |
cuidheall-shnìomha gen cuidhle-, sf Spinning-wheel. Parts of a spinning-wheel: 1 Tei...an còrr |
muileann-uisge sm Water-mill. Parts of a water-mill (DMy): 1 Loch a' mhuilinn, mill-pond. ...an còrr |
aisil -sle, -slean, sf Axle-tree. 2 Axis. Tarrang aisle, a lynchpin; aisil na carbaid, th...an còrr |
fiundrain ** a Polished, smooth. An roth fiundrain, the polished wheel. |
oisinneach -eiche, a. Cornered, angled, angular. Roth oisinneach, a bevel wheel; oibreach ...an còrr |
rag-roth ** sm Torturing wheel. |
roith † -e, -ean, sf see roth. |
rothadh -aidh, sm Wheeling, 2 Coiling. A' rothadh, pr pt of roth. |
rothan -ain, pl. -an, [& -ain] sm dim of roth. Little wheel. 2 Little rim. |
roth-fiaclach sm Cog-wheel. |
cuidhle (CR) gen sing of cuidheall used as a noun in Arran. Spinning-wheel, wheel of a ship. A...an còrr |