Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
taobh /tɯːv/  fir. gin. taoibh, iol. -an
1 side, flank 2 angle, aspect, facet 3 direction, way 4 point of view 5 liking, partiality 6 coast |
sìde /ʃiːdʲə/ boir. iol. -an
taobh /tɯːv/ gn. ag. -adh
1 side with! 2 favour! 3 be partial (to), like! 4 approach! 5 espouse! |
thall /hauL/ co-ghn.
1 over there, yonder 2 beyond, on the other side |
sìde /ʃiːdʲə/ boir. neo-ath.
leth-taobh /Lʲɛhdəv/ fir. gin. -taoibh
cliathach /kliəhəx/ boir. gin. -aich, iol. -aichean
1 side (of a being) 2 side, slope 3 bilge 4 wing (in sports) |
slios /ʃlis/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
ri taobh roi. gin. (ri mo/do thaobh, ri thaobh, ri taobh, ri ar/ur/an taobh)
beside, by the side of, by, next to |
eudann /iədəN/ fir. gin. -ainn, iol. -ainnean
lethcheann /LʲeçəN/  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -chinn
1 side of the head, temple 2 cheek |
taobhan /tɯːvan/ fir. gin. -ain, iol. -an
1 purlin 2 batten 3 sideboard (of a cart etc) |
aodann /ɯːdəN/  fir. gin. -ainn, iol. aodainnean
1 face 2 front 3 dial 4 face, side (in mathematics) |
ri taobh a chéile side by side |
leth /Lʲeh/  fir. iol. -ean
1 half (in general, incl. sports) 2 side 3 share |
ceann thall 1 far side/end 2 extreme |
tùbh /tuːv/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 side, flank 2 angle, aspect, facet 3 direction, way 4 point of view 5 liking, partiality 6 coast |
bòrd-sliosa fir. gin. ⁊ iol. bùird-shliosa
cliathach a' chinn side of the head |
fuaradh /fuərəɣ/ fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) getting to windward, weathering 2 windward/weather side 3 cold blast/gust |
air gach làimh  1 on every side 2 on every occasion |
air taobh an fhasgaidh  on the lee side |
air taobh an fhuaraidh  on the luff, weather side |
duine gun ghò guileless person, person without side |
a leth-taobh privately, on the side |
Toraidhean Dwelly
sìde -e, sf Weather, good or bad. 2 Abatement of a storm. 3 Abatement of rage, pacification...an còrr |
cadha sm Narrow pass at the side or foot of a mountain. 2 Narrow ravine. 3 Porch, entry. 4 (CR) Pas...an còrr |
a-bhos adv On this side, here. An taobh a-bhos, on this side; thall 's a-bhos, hither and ...an còrr |
aca or ac', prep pron (aig + iad) Of them, on their side, with them, at them, on them, in ...an còrr |
ach conj But, except, besides. Ach mise, but me; cha do rinn neach ach thusa e, none bu...an còrr |
taobh pr pt a' taobhadh, vn Side with anyone, favour, be partial. 2 Come nigh to, approach. ...an còrr |
gil (AC) sf Watercourse on a mountain-side. 2 Rift. 3 The moon. |
a-nall adv Hither, to this side, over, from the other side. |
a-null adv To the other side. A-null 's a-nall, thither and hither. |
aonaich pr pt ag aonachadh, va Unite, reconcile. 2 Assent. 3 Side with. Aonaich mo chridhe, ...an còrr |
aontaich pr pt ag aontachadh, vn Consent, agree, accede, acquiesce, admit, yield. 2** Abet, tak...an còrr |
gìogan -ain, -an, sm Thistle 2(CR) Sea-urchin — W. of Ross. 3** Flattery. 4(MS) ...an còrr |
as leth prep On behalf of, for the sake of. As leth an rìgh is na còrach, on the side of the king ...an còrr |
bac -a & -aic, pl. -an, sm Stop, hinderance, restraint, delay, interruption, im...an còrr |
taobh an fhasgaidh sm Lee-side. |
taobh an fhuaraidh sm Windward-side, weather-side (of a boat &c). |
thairis adv Over, across, abroad. 2* Beyond, exceeding the bounds. 3 Remaining, as a surplus. 4 Athwa...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
being -e, -eannan, sf Bench. 2 Side bench or plank of a bed. 3** Bank — Islay. |
thall adv On the other side, yonder, beyond. 2 Abroad. 3* Over against. Thall 's a-bhos, hither ...an còrr |
bodach -aich, sm Old or churlish man. 2 Rustic, countryman. 3 Sorry fellow. 4 Meanness of spi...an còrr |
boillsgeadh -eidh, -eidhean, sm Shining, gleaming, glittering, glaring, flashing, effulgence. 2 Cheering,...an còrr |
troimh prep Through, from side to side. 2 All over, along the whole extent. 3 By, from, by means of....an còrr |
glugan -ain, -an, sm dim Faint noise of a fluid confined in a vessel. 2** Gurgling noise of water ag...an còrr |
brà gen bràthan, pl. bràthntan, sf Quern, handmill 2† Brow. 3(AC) Anything round an...an còrr |