Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
sibh (sibhse) /ʃɪv ~ ʃiːvʃə/  rio. neo-ath.
you(se) (2ⁿᵈ person plural; plus emphatic form) |
shin sibh! hi/hello there! |
sibhsigeadh /ʃiːvʃɪgʲəɣ/ fir. gin. -gidh
using sibh, addressing someone formally (cf. German siezen or French vouvoyer |
b' fheàrr leam gun sguireadh sibh a throd!  I wish you would stop arguing/bickering! |
a bheil sibh uile còrdte?  are you all agreed? |
Chlanna nan con, thigibh an-seo 's gheibh sibh feòil! Chlanna nan con thigibh a' so 's gheibh sibh feòil! ('oh children of the dogs, come and you will get meat', Clan Cameron slogan) |
bha sibh péin tinn you yourself were ill |
gum meal sibh ur naidheachd! congratulations! |
guma fada beò sibh is ceò ás ur taigh! lang may yer lum reek! |
gheibh sibh ur cruaidh-fhortan o ur màthair nuair a thilleas i you will be in so much trouble/you're going to get it when your mother comes home (fig.) |
a bheil sibh càirdeach d' a chéile?  are you related to each other? |
bhithinn fada 'nur comain nan cuireadh sibh airgead thugam  I would be much obliged to you if you could send me money |
chan eil dùil agam gum faca mi sibh a-riamh I don't think we have ever met |
chuir mi romham a dhol ann I decided/made up my mind to go there |
gum mair sibh an saoghal ùr! a long and happy life together! (wedding blessing) |
gum mair thu do shlàinte! response to gum mair sibh an saoghal ùr! |
siuthadadh sibh-se! get on with it you! |
iarrar agus bheirear dhuibh; sirear agus gheibh sibh ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find |
tha mise 'nam aonar, tha sibh-se 'nur móran /ha miʃə nəm ɯːnər ha ʃiːvʃə nər moːran/ I am one, you are many |
tha sibh a-nis 'nur bean is fear you are now man/husband and wife |
có air a tha sibh a' bruidhinn? tha sinn a' bruidhinn air eich what are you talking about? none of your business! (fig.) |
càit an d'fhuair sibh an leanabh? San allt, a laochain where did you get the child? the stork left it under the gooseberry bush (fig.) |
seo parka daor, saoil sibh? this is an expensive parka, what do you think? |
gum meal thu do thuras 'nar measg we hope you enjoy your stay! |
an tog mi sibh? can I offer you a lift? |
Toraidhean Dwelly
sibh pers. pron. 2nd perspl Ye, you. [Used instead of th...an còrr |
agaibh prep pron (aig + sibh) At you (pl), on you, with you, in your possession. 2** Of you, ...an còrr |
motha comp of mór. Larger, largest. 2 Greater, greatest. Is esan as motha, he is the greatest; ...an còrr |
annaibh prep pron (ann + sibh) In you (pl). Chan eil ciall ann, you have no judgment. |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
ruibh prep pron (ri + sibh) To you, against you. 2 With you. 3* Molesting you. 4* Mastering you. A'...an còrr |
armaich va Arm, gird on arms, clothe with armour. Armaichibh sibh fhéin, arm yourselves. |
ás prep Out of, from out. [Ás drops the s when followed by a consonant]. á taigh na daors...an còrr |
ás prep pron (ás + e) Out of him or it. 2 From him or it. [Emphatic - ássan, ás fh...an còrr |
mear -a & meire, a. Merry, joyful. 2 Sportive, playful. 3 Wanton. 4 poetically Incited,...an còrr |
ruig v. irreg. Reach, extend to. 2 Reach, arrive at. 3 Attain to. 4** Hold forth, stretch out. 5 B...an còrr |
ruith pr pt a' ruith, vn Run, race, rush. 2* Melt, as lead or suet. 3 Flow, as a stream. 4* ...an còrr |
bean pr pt a' beantainn [beanail, beantail & beanailt,] va & n Touch. 2 Handle. 3 M...an còrr |
beir v irr Take hold. 2 Bring forth, bear, produce. 3 Get out of sight with. 4*† Give. 5** Overtak...an còrr |
buaidh -e, n. pl. -ean -dheanan sf Victory, conquest, success. Thugadh buaidh 'nam fhi...an còrr |
buirbe sf Barbarity, barbarism. 2 Fierceness, wrath, anger, rage, savageness. 3 Severity. 4 Cruelty....an còrr |
càileachd -an, sf Natural endowments, genius. 2 Energy, ability. 3 Temper, nature, constitution....an còrr |
thig irr v Come. 2 (with prep do) Become, suit, fit, befit. 3 (with prep ris) Agree ...an còrr |
ceannachd sf ind Commerce, trade. 2 Merchandise. 3** Buying, purchase. Agus nì sibh ceannachd san tìr, ...an còrr |
thoir irr v Give, grant, deliver, bestow on. 2 Take. 3 (with prep air) Persuade, compel. 4 (...an còrr |
tòir -e, tòrach & -each, pl -ean & -ichean, sf Pursuit, chase. 2 Pursuers. 3 Dilige...an còrr |
tòrachd sf Pursuit, chase, pursuing with hostile intention. 2 Inquiring, asking, strict inquiry or se...an còrr |
ciontaich pr pt a' ciontachadh, va & n. Trespass, transgress, sin, blame, be guilty. ...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |