Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
soitheach /sɤ.əx/ fir. gin. -thich, iol. -thichean
1 container, vessel 2 pitcher 3 dish 4 ship, vessel 5 (in pl.) cruets |
soitheach-cogaidh fir. gin. -thich-chogaidh, iol. -thichean-cogaidh
soitheach-seòlaidh fir. gin. -thich-sheòlaidh, iol. -thichean-seòlaidh
soitheach-adhair fir. gin. -thich-adhair, iol. -thichean-adhair
cha ghabh an soitheach Gàidhealach ach a làn there's only so much one can cope with (fig.) |
cha ghabh an soitheach ach a làn there's only so much one can cope with (fig.) |
soitheach laoigh womb (of a cow) |
soitheach-chuairt fir. gin. -thich-chuairt, iol. -thichean-chuairt
planked toy/model boat (i.e. with individal planks) |
soitheach-thimcheall fir. gin. -thich-thimcheall, iol. -thichean-thimcheall
planked toy/model boat (i.e. with individal planks) |
soitheach-cnaip fir. gin. -thich-chnaip, iol. -ean-cnaip
dugout toy/model boat (i.e. made from a single carved piece of wood) |
soitheach-fànais fir. gin. -thich-fhànais, iol. -thichean-fànais
soitheach-catha fir. gin. -thich-chatha, iol. -thichean-catha
soitheach bristeil earthenware vessel |
soitheach na tùise incense boat |
soitheach-siùil fir. gin. -thich-siùil, iol. -thichean-siùil
soitheach-giùlain phlèanaichean aircraft carrier |
soitheach-giùlain tomaid bulk carrier |
soitheach solar éiginn emergency supply vessel |
soitheach-pleadhaige fir. gin. -thich-phleadhaige, iol. -thichean-pleadhaige
cuir làn na léigh san t-soitheach put a ladleful into the dish |
tha an soitheach a' bagairt cur thairis the dish is threatening to overflow |
soitheach-giùlain fir. gin. -thich-ghiùlain, iol. -thichean-giùlain
soitheach-bathair fir. gin. -thich-bhathair, iol. -thichean-bathair
soitheach-leaghaidh fir. gin. -thich-leaghaidh, iol. -thichean-leaghaidh
soitheach-criadha fir. gin. -thich-chriadha, iol. -thichean-criadha
Toraidhean Dwelly
soitheach -ich, -ichean, sm Vessel of any kind in which meat, liquors.or anything is placed. 2 Ship of ...an còrr |
amar -air, n pl -an & amraichean, sm Trough. 2 Channel. 3** Ditch. 4 Mill-dam. 5 Hod. 6...an còrr |
boladh -aidh, sm Smell, stink, savour. Chan ioghnadh boladh an sgadain a bhith dhen t-soitheach sam ...an còrr |
cùm pr pt a' cumail, va Keep, hold, withhold, retain. 2 Restrain. 3 Observe, celebrate, as...an còrr |
drùidh va & n. Penetrate to the skin. 2 Pierce, make an impression, bore through. 3 Drain, pour ...an còrr |
falamh -aimhe, a Empty, void. 2 Poor. 3 In want. 4 Unoccupied. 5 Wanting substance. 6 Vain. T...an còrr |
falamhaich va Empty, make void. Dh'fhalamhaich i a soitheach, she emptied her vessel. |
gualann -ainn & -uailne, pl. -uailnean & -uaillean, dat. pl. guaillibh, sf Shou...an còrr |
lìon pr pt a' lìonadh, va & n. Fill, replenish, satiate. 2 Become full. 3 Flow, as tide...an còrr |
min -e, sf Flour, meal. 2 Any comminuted or pulverized substance. Min iarainn, iron filings; ...an còrr |
tomhas -ais, pl -an & toimhsean, sm Measure, measurement, dimension. 2 Weight. 3 Balance,...an còrr |
soitheach-fuarachaidh sm Cooler, refrigerator. |
saothach see soitheach. |
sathach see soitheach. |
soidheach -aich, -aichean, sm see soitheach. |
soithchean (for soithichean) pl. of soitheach. |
soitheach-crèadha sm Earthenware vessel. |
soitheach-fuail sm Chamber-pot. |
soitheach-ionnlaid sm Basin. |
soitheach-teine sm Pot, pan. |
soitheach-tùis sm Censer. |
soitheach-uisge sm Ewer, bucket. |
soithichean npl of soitheach. |
soitheach-tomhais sm Measuring vessel generally containing a bushel. Soitheach sìl, a bushel of corn. |