Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
solair /sɔLɪrʲ/ gn. ag. solar
1 provide, supply, cater! 2 furnish! |
solar /sɔLər/ fir. gin. -air, iol. -an
1 (act of) procuring, providing, supplying, catering 2 procurement, provision, supply 3 (act of) furnishing |
pìob-sholair boir. gin. -a-solair, iol. -an-solair
sèine-sholair boir. iol. -achan-solair
solair do chlann cater for children! |
solar-uisge fir. gin. -air-uisge
balg-solair fir. gin. ⁊ iol. builg-sholair
1 satchel 2 magazine (container, store) |
òrdugh-solair fir. gin. -uigh-sholair, iol. -uighean-solairean
dèan òrdugh-solair requisition! |
solair seirbheis provide a service! |
tuairmse solair supply estimate |
Coimiseanairean an t-Solair Commissioners of Supply |
soitheach-solair fir. gin. -thich-sholair, iol. -thichean-solair
neach-solair /Nʲɛx sɔLɪrʲ/ fir. iol. luchd-solair
solair forfhais fhìrinneach procure reliable information! |
solair biadh procure/provide food! |
Achd Ath-leasachadh an t-Solair Procurement Reform Act |
iomairt a-réir solair supply-driven initiative |
iomairt a tha a-réir an t-solair a supply-driven initiative |
siostam-solair fir. gin. -aim-sholair, iol. -an-solair
Toraidhean Dwelly
solair pr pt a' solar & a' solaradh, va see solaraich. |
balg-solair -e, sm Magazine. |
bolg an t-solair see balg-solair. |
bolg-solair sm see balg-solair. |
solar -air, -an, sm Providing, preparing, purveying of useful things. 2 Things provided or furnishe...an còrr |
solaradh -aidh, sm & pr. pt of solair, see solarachadh. 2 Provisions provided. |