Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
teine /tʲenə/  fir. iol. teintean
tèine /tʲɛːnə/ boir. iol. -achan
teine /tʲenə/ fir. neo-ath.
1 the letter T, ᚛ᚈ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) gorse, whin, furze (ulex) |
ris an teine /rʲiʃ əNʲ tʲenə/ at the fire |
clach-theine boir. gin. cloiche-teine, iol. -an-teine
cuir teine ris 1 light/ignite it! 2 set fire to it! |
brathadair mór teine a roaring blaze, crackling fire |
teine-sionnachain /tʲenə ʃũNəxɛNʲ/ fir. iol. teintean-sionnachain
teine-adhair fir. neo-ath.
1 lightning 2 stars, sparks (before your eyes, i.e. aftern being hit hard) |
cachaileith-theine boir. iol. -ean-teine
chan urrainn duine min ithe 's an teine a shéideadh one cannot mount two horses at the same time (fig.) |
taisg teine bank a fire! |
craostal teine a roaring bonfire |
àite-teine fir. iol. -tichean-teine
tasgaich teine bank a fire! |
sluasaid-teine boir. gin. -e-teine, iol. -ean-teine
beinn-theine  boir. gin. -e-teine, iol. beanntan-teine
ciortalaich teine bank a fire! |
cho teth ris an teine as hot as the sun (fig.) |
suidheachan-teine (suidheachan an teine) fir. gin. -ain-theine, iol. -an-teine
teine-dé fir. neo-ath.
1 erysipelas, St. Anthony's fire 2 herpes zoster |
gabh mun teine bank the fire! |
cuir ás an teine extinguish a fire! |
teine-dhealan fir. gin. -ain
bioluminescence in dead organic material |
teine mór fhalaisge a roaring fire of burnt heather (in a fireplace) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
teine pl. teintean, sm [f. in Colonsay] Fire, flame. 2 Conflagration. Chunnaca...an còrr |
teine § sm Furze, {gorse} (ulex europaeus), see conasg. 2 Old Gaelic name of the letter...an còrr |
sionnachan -ain, sm Will-o'-the-wisp. 2(DU) Phosphorus. Teine sionnachain, phosphorus; tha sionna...an còrr |
àth àtha, pl -an, & -annan, sf Kiln. Nuair a bha sinn san àth le chéile, when we we...an còrr |
bean sf Woman, female. 2 Wife. Thus declined, Indefinite....an còrr |
déine sf ind Eagerness, keenness, vehemence, ardour, violence, impetuosity. 2** Neatness. 3** Clean...an còrr |
diù sm Long time. 2 see diùbhaidh. 3(DU) Care. 4(DU) Sense of shame, modesty, worth. Duine gun di...an còrr |
beòthaich va Kindle, light. 2 Re-animate, arouse, revive, quicken. Is tric a bheòthaich srad bheag tein...an còrr |
feàrna § sf Alder — alnus glutinosa. 2 Old name for the letter F. 3 Shield. 4** Mast. Leis am...an còrr |
fiacais in the conversational Gaelic of Eigg & Uist, is the more or less courteous retort to inqu...an còrr |
bharr prep (formerly de bhàrr) From, from off. 2 Down from. Bharr aghaidh na talmhainn, from th...an còrr |
smàil pr pt a' smàladh, va Snuff, top, as a candle. 2 Extinguish. 3 Knock down, dash to the ...an còrr |
sgeadaich pr pt a' sgeadachadh, va Dress, clothe. 2 Dress, garnish, adorn with dress. 3 C...an còrr |
broilleach -lich, -lichean, sm Breast, bosom, front. 2 Brisket of beef. A broilleach mar chobhar nan stu...an còrr |
greim gen -reime & -ama, pl. -eanna & gramannan, sm Hold, holding, custody, g...an còrr |
las pr pt a' lasadh, va & n. Kindle, light. 2 Get into a passion, enrage. 3 Sparkle, f...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
céir -e, sf Wax. 2 Wax candle. 3 Buttock. Mar leaghas teine céir, as fire melts wax; coinne...an còrr |
claoidh pr pt a' claoidh & a' claoidheadh, va Vex, annoy, harass, trouble. 2 Afflict, torm...an còrr |
teineachan -ain, -an, sm dim of teine. Small fire. |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
tàmh -àimh, sm Rest, quiet, ease, quietness. 2 Delay. 3 Sleep. 4 Dwelling, abode, act or state of ...an còrr |
teas sm ind [f. in Badenoch]. Heat, warmth. 2 Superabundance, too much of the good t...an còrr |
gabh pr pt a' gabhail, va & n. Some idiomatic connections of gabh grouped under ...an còrr |
teine-éiginn sm Fire by friction, forced fire or fire of necessity. The teine-éiginn was considered...an còrr |