Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
timcheall /tʲimiçəL/ roi. gin. neo-ath.
mu thimcheall roi. gin. (mu mo/do thimcheall, mu thimcheall, mu timcheall, mu ar/ur/an timcheall)
1 around 2 about, concerning |
ceithir timcheall a' bhaile right around town |
timcheall-ghearradh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
ceithir-thimcheall roi. gin. neo-ath.
timcheall-beòil fir. gin. -chill-bheòil, iol. -an-beòil
timcheall-gheàrrte bua. neo-ath.
timcheall-àrd fir. gin. -chill-àird, iol. -an-àrda
neo-thimcheall-gheàrrte bua. neo-ath.
soitheach-thimcheall fir. gin. -thich-thimcheall, iol. -thichean-thimcheall
planked toy/model boat (i.e. with individal planks) |
mór-thimcheall ort all around you |
timcheall /tʲimiçəL/ fir. gin. -chill, iol. -an
1 circuit 2 tinchel, ring of beaters (in hunting) 3 complete strake |
bho chionn thimcheall mìos air ais about a month ago |
bolg a-mach mu thimcheall a' mheadhain bulge out around the middle! |
cuir lìon mu thimcheall mathain trap/snare a bear! |
uile-thimcheall co-ghn.
fad mìltean mu thimcheall for miles around |
tha plaosg liath-bhuidhe mu thimcheall na càise there is a tawny rind around the cheese |
timcheall-gheàrr gn. ag. -ghearradh
timcheall-mheud fir. neo-ath.
buaileag-thimcheall /buəlag himiçəL/ boir. gin. -eige-timchille, iol. -an-timcheall
1 ringworm 2 dermatophytosis |
o thimcheall Uibhist from around Uist |
cuir caim mu thimcheall Chaluim draw a magic circle around Calum! |
mu thimcheall sin thereabout(s) |
mu thimcheall air sin thereabout(s) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
mu prep. About, around. 2 Of. concerning. 3 On account of, for. Mun cuairt, about, round abou...an còrr |
mu thimcheall prep. About, around, concerning. Mu mo thimcheall, about me; mu do thimcheall, ...an còrr |
timcheall prep & adv About, around. 2 Of, concerning. 3** In a circuit. Mu thimcheall, about, co...an còrr |
buaileag-thimcheall sf see bualagan-timcheall. |
comh-thimcheall -an, sm Circuit. 2 Act of moving round anything. |
neo-thimcheall-gheàrr va Uncircumcise. |
neo-thimcheall-ghearradh -aidh, sm Uncircumcision. |
neo-thimcheall-gheàrrta a. Uncircumcised. |